3 rd Sunday: Ordinary Time
Alleluia, Alleluia, Christ is with us, He is with us indeed Alleluia And so we gather. In the name of the Father…
You bring us to your truth. Lord Have mercy. Lord, have mercy. You are our guide. Christ have mercy Christ, have mercy. You always free us to love you. Lord have mercy Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, your coming was foretold long ago by the prophets of Israel. You come again in our days through the Scriptures and the Sacraments. Help us to listen to you words. Amen.
Alleluia, Alleluia
A Reading from the Holy Gospel of St. Luke Glory to you, O Lord The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Alleluia, Alleluia
Which town did Jesus come to visit? What did he do while he was there? Do you think they knew who Jesus was? What was so special about the words that Jesus read that day?’
As brothers and sisters in one loving family let us pray together: Lord hear our prayer. The response is sung, Lord hear our prayer. We pray for the Church. May we have the courage to proclaim Jesus to the world. Lord hear our prayer. We pray for the hungry and the homeless; may we care for them as Christ expects us to do. Lord hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world; may the leaders of nations reach out in friendship to one another. Lord hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our unspoken prayers with Him.
Let us say this prayer together Loving Father Thank you for sending your Son into the world, to bring Good News to the poor, to set prisoners free, and to lift up the downtrodden. Do this today and help us to do these things through You. We make our prayers through Jesus Our Lord. Amen
One person from each class to collect a gesture from the focal point.
1. Lord, the light of your love is shining, in the midst of the darkness, shining. Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us. Set us free by the truth you now bring us. Shine on me, shine on me. Shine, Jesus, shine; fill this land with the Father’s glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze; set out hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow; flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth your Word, Lord, and let there be light.
2. Lord, I come to your awesome presence, from the shadows into your radiance. By the blood I may enter your brightness. Search me, try me, consume all my darkness. Shine on me, shine on me. Shine, Jesus, shine; fill this land with the Father’s glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze; set out hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow; flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth your Word, Lord, and let there be light.
3. As we gaze on your kingly brightness, So our faces display your likeness, ever changing from glory to glory. Mirrored here, may our lives tell your story. Shine on me, shine on me. Shine, Jesus, shine; fill this land with the Father’s glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze; set out hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow; flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth your Word, Lord, and let there be light. x2