33 rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Alleluia, Alleluia Christ gives us courage. HE GIVES US COURAGE INDEED, ALLELUIA! And so we gather, +In the name of the Father…
You give us courage, Lord have mercy All: Lord, have mercy You give us strength, Christ have mercy. All: Christ, have mercy You give us the Holy Spirit Lord have mercy. All: Lord, have mercy.
Opening Prayer Jesus, thank you for making us. We await your coming and expect your arrival. Prepare us for your coming and help us, by your grace to live in your love until then. AMEN
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark Glory to you, O Lord
The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Time to reflect on what we have heard in our Gospel today. When will Jesus return again? What will be the warnings that this time has arrived? What will Jesus do when the world comes to an end?
Gesture ‘By these signs you will know when the kingdom of God is near.’
As brothers and sisters in one loving family together let us pray to our heavenly Father. We pray for The family gathered here and our brothers and sisters through out the world. Lord in your mercy; All: Lord hear our prayer We pray for homeless people and the poor. Lord in your mercy; All: Lord hear our prayer. We pray for all those who suffer sickness or pain. Lord in your mercy. All: Lord hear our prayer.
Let us pray together. Loving Father, Listen to our prayers and answer them according to your will. Keep us close to your love and ready to greet Christ when he returns in glory. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen
Do not be afriad…