BEER BOT Dalton Verhagen
Sound Sensor Designed to find the direction a specified sound source is coming from Determines this with a time of arrival algorithm Steps: 1.Transmit a 5kHz sine wave from a speaker 2.Filter the signal from the microphone so that only the 5kHz frequency is outputted 3.Send filtered signal to MSP432, where it is timed 4.Calculate direction based on timing
Circuit Analysis Amplify microphone 1000x LM567 used as a bandpass Centered at 5kHz Passband is ~ %12 the center frequency, or Hz.
Why it doesn’t work Creating 3 narrow band pass filters that are IDENTICAL is incredibly difficult Tolerances are too low in analog parts Tone decoders produce noise that interferes with other decoders Tone decoders might not work with such a high speed application (cannot test this though) There are ways to make this work, but they require more time
The Backup Reconfigure sound sensor to work as “remote” One tone decoder works very well, so can still be utilized Send commands via the speaker circuit that can be decoded based on their length Send a command for BeerBot to start looking for speaker. BeerBot then searches the room for the speaker with computer vision
Where am I at? OpenCV detecting the speaker circuit correctly (could be better but it works) Obstacle avoidance completely operational Circuit prototyped for sound remote Needs code for sound remote Needs MSP432, Arduino, and Rasberry Pi to communicate