Hosted by Kasey Jackson and Monica Farrell
GeographyAstronomersDistances and time Tides
Row 1, Col 1 What are mountains called on The moon? highlands
1,2 Who was the first person on the moon? Neil Armstrong
1,3 This is the moon’s gravity compared to Earth? 1/6 of the earth’s.
1,4 This causes tides on Earth. What is the moons gravitational pull
2,1 These are lowland plains on the Moon. What are Marias?
2,2 Buzz Aldrin was in the same Spacecraft as _____. Who was Neil Armstrong?
2,3 This is the same as the period Of revolution on the moon. What is its period of rotation.
2,4 There are this amount of tides in 24 hours. What are four?
3,1 There is none of this on the Moon because there is no Atmosphere. Why is there no weather on the moon?
3,2 The second man to walk on the moon Who was Buzz Aldrin?
3,3 You weigh this much more on the Earth than the moon What is 6 times your weight on the earth?
3,4 When the earth and moon are at right angles to each other. When will a neap tide occur?
4,1 These are valleys on the moon? What are Rilles?
4,2 The Ancient Greeks What culture discovered the moon?
4,3 The moon is _______ of the Earth’s size. What is ¼ of Earth’s size.
4,4 These tides occur when the Moon and the sun line up With the earth. Spring tides
5,1 Due to the weather there is no __________. No atmosphere
5,2 Apollo What was the first mission to the moon called?
5,3 The earth’s rotation. Longer than the earth’s
5,4 There are 4 of these per day on The earth. There are __ high tides and __ low tides.