Recommendations and measures of the SEE Economists Network Albania, BIH, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia Hotel Continental Belgrade, November 10-12, 2009
Public Sector State administration reform to make it more rational, efficient, effective, accessible and affordable (one stop shop). Budget execution control through public expenditure control (more control over the public procurement) Final budget accounting Setting-up state audit institution Revision of privatization model and strategy
Pension and disability insurance More efficient collection of PDI contribution PDI property issues (rehabilitation centers) Retirement age limit: –60 for women –65 for men Inexistence of economic and demographic conditions for age limit increase Pension insurance third pillar development (voluntary – incentive by employer)
Social Sector Reform (education, health care...) System sustainability – service quality Rationalization and expenditure control New real income sources (budget financing) Equality in access to health care Stop health care privatization
Revitalization of economy Sustainable growth and development –Knowledge and IT based economy –Restructuring –Strengthening SME’s through state incentives (innovative companies), flexibility –Suspension of non-return subsidies unless directed into knowledge, innovations and development –Investments in sectors with comparative advantages –Provision of better usability of natural resources (with preservation of public goods) –Development of renewable energy sources (energy independence development) –Equal regional development and cooperation in the broader region (agricultural policy, healthy food production) –Link between employment and revitalization of economy –Housing strategy
Social Dialogue Social dialogue in practice (taking responsibility and duties of social partners) –Collective negotiation and signing CA on all levels: legal status and social status of the employed!!! Negotiation set-off: bipartite, tripartite... Socially responsible business – development and strengthening corporate culture and social relations
Short-term Temporary Measures Poverty threshold redefinition Defining parameters and criteria for obtaining the right to one of the social assistance forms –One-term assistance –Child allowance –Maternity allowance –Etc.
Demystification of the place and role of international financial institutions (IFI) Creating a platform for negotiations with the IFI’s along with agreements with the trade unions