Kepler + Keck: Planet Masses and Densities Kepler + Keck: Planet Masses and Densities Geoff Marcy UC Berkeley + Preliminary Results
Howard Isaacson, Jason Rowe, Andrew Howard, John Johnson Acknowledgements Acknowledgements William Borucki David Koch Stephen Bryson Jason Rowe David Charbonneau Guillermo Torres Francois Fressin Jean-Michel Désert Lars Buchhave Sam Quinn Dan Fabrycky Debra Fischer Natalie Batalha Thomas Gautier Steve Howell Charlie Sobeck David Latham Ron Gilliland Eric Ford Elliott Horsch Tom Barclay Jessie Christiansen Jack Lissauer Dimitar Sasselov Sara Seager Jon Jenkins Mike Haas Doug Caldwell Jeff Van Cleve David Ciardi Jeff Smith Martin Still Martin Stumpe Peter Tenebaum Lucianne Walkowicz Bill Cochran Mike Endl Leslie Rogers Special Thanks to:
Howard Isaacson, Jason Rowe, Andrew Howard, John Johnson Special Thanks to: Acknowledgements Acknowledgements William Borucki David Koch Stephen Bryson Jason Rowe David Charbonneau Guillermo Torres Francois Fressin Jean-Michel Désert Lars Buchhave Sam Quinn Dan Fabrycky Debra Fischer Natalie Batalha Thomas Gautier Steve Howell Charlie Sobeck David Latham Ron Gilliland Eric Ford Elliott Horsch Tom Barclay Jessie Christiansen Jack Lissauer Dimitar Sasselov Sara Seager Jon Jenkins Mike Haas Doug Caldwell Jeff Van Cleve David Ciardi Jeff Smith Martin Still Martin Stumpe Peter Tenebaum Lucianne Walkowicz Bill Cochran Mike Endl Leslie Rogers Kepler’s Heavy Lifters
4 Mass-Radius Diagram
5 Value of planet masses: - Fraction Rocky vs. R PL - Interior Structure - Formation Physics
10-meter Keck Telescope HiRES Spectrometer
Doppler Work at Vmag = 13.9 Challenges: Moonlight, Sky lines, Cosmic rays Kepler-8: (45 min, Full moon)
Red CCD Middle CCD Blue CCD 8000 A 3600 A Kepler-8 V = 13.5 mag Keck- HiRES Spectrometer
Doppler Precision: <2.0 m/s RMS = 2.0 m/s RMS includes Stellar jitter RV “Standard”: HD (G8V)
KOIs with Keck Multi-Epoch RVs Published RV Work In Progress This List Available from David Ciardi (NExSci)
KOIs with Keck Multi-Epoch RVs Published RV Work In Progress This List Available from David Ciardi (NExSci)
KOIs with Keck Multi-Epoch RVs Published RV Work In Progress This List Available from David Ciardi (NExSci) WARNING: UNPUBLISHED, PRELIMINARY RESULTS AHEAD
Phased Light Curve: KOI-246 R = 2.57 R E P = 5.40 d R STAR from SME analysis of Spectrum, Asteroseismology & Evol. Model
Phased Light Curve: KOI-246 R = 2.57 R E P = 5.40 d R STAR from SME analysis of Spectrum, Asteroseismology & Evol. Model Density = ?
KOI-246 A Second Transiting Planet Cand. R = 1.13 R Earth R = 1.13 R E P=9.60 d
KOI-246 A Second Transiting Planet Cand. R = 1.13 R Earth R = 1.13 R E P=9.60 d Density = ?
RVs for KOI-246
Outer, Non-Transiting Planet
Phased RVs for KOI-246 RVs in phase w/ Transits. Mass = 8.49 M Earth Density: 2.75 g/cc Rock + volatiles? (see L.Rogers)
Phased RVs for KOI R = 1.13 R E Nondetection: Too low mass.
RVs for Third Planet: Non-Transiting
MCMC Planet Mass Determination
R = 2.57 R E Rho = 2.76 g/cc Rock + Volatiles?
KOI-104 P = 2.51 d R = 3.39 R E
RVs for KOI-104
Phased RVs for KOI-104
RVs for 2 nd Planet Non-Transiting
MCMC Mass Determination
R = 3.39 R E Rho = 1.91 g/cc
KOI-321 R=1.70 R E P = 2.43 d
RVs for KOI-321
Phased RVs for KOI-321
MCMC Mass Analysis: KOI-321
R = 1.70 RE Rho = 7.43 g/cc Mostly Rock?
Future of Precise RVs of KOIs RV + TTV Planet masses
Future of Precise RVs of KOIs RV + TTV Planet masses Photometry RV Correction (Aigrain, Pont, et al.)
Future of Precise RVs of KOIs RV + TTV Planet masses Photometry RV Correction (Aigrain, Pont, et al.) Priors for PSF of Keck spectrometer
Future of Precise RVs of KOIs RV + TTV Planet masses Photometry RV Correction (Aigrain, Pont, et al.) Priors for PSF of Keck spectrometer HARPS-North & New, Improved SOPHIE
Preliminary Results Transition from Neptune-like to Rocky: < 2.5 R E
Preliminary Results Transition from Neptune-like to Rocky: < 2.5 R E Fraction of Planets that are Rocky vs. R PL : Key Goal of Extended Kepler Mission
Preliminary Results Transition from Neptune-like to Rocky: < 2.5 R E Fraction of Planets that are Rocky vs. R PL : Key Goal of Extended Kepler Mission RV Spectrometers on Big Telescopes (and TTV work) in Northern Hemisphere are needed.
42 Preliminary and Not Shown Mass-Radius Diagram