Pop it out! Brandon, Christian A, Blake, Kalei, Nazir
QUESTION Which brand of popcorn has the most unpopped kernels?
HYPOTHESIS We believe that primetime has the most unpopped kernels because we think there are more kernels in the bag.
PROCEDURE 1 Buy 3 bags of popcorn and the bags are Primetime,Act,and Fit and active. 2 Get 3 plates from the cabinet. 3. Use paper towels to dump the popcorn out and count 4 Open the microwave and put them in for 2mins. 5 Open the microwave and take them out. 6 Pour the popcorn on the paper towels. 7 Count all the kernels. 8 Write down results 9 Wash are hands 10 Eat it
Materials 1 3 bags of popcorn 2 A micorwave 3 Get 3 plates 4 Camera 5 Plates
Results Fit and active had 44,then Act 2 had 29,last Primetime had 38.
CONCLUSION After testing our theory our hypothesis was incorrect. After all, the fit and active had the most unpopped kernels.
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