Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 7 Visiting the Tea Garden Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 7 Visiting the Tea Garden.


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Presentation transcript:

Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 7 Visiting the Tea Garden Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 7 Visiting the Tea Garden

Teaching Objectives Teaching Objectives  Learn how to tell the foreign guests about the tea culture in China.  Learn the special terms for tea.  Learn the producing process of the famous Dragon Well Green Tea in Hangzhou.

Briefing on the Working Procedures  茶叶是世界三大饮料之一,也是中国文化的重 要组成部分。随着人们生活水平的提高和对健 康的关注,当今世界上饮茶的人越来越多。杭 州作为世界名茶龙井茶的原产地 ,其茶园早已 成为国外游客了解茶叶,了解中国茶文化的必 去之地。因此,作为杭州的导游,他必须了解 一些茶叶的相关知识,特别是西湖龙井茶的独 特之处及其整个生产、加工乃至品尝的细节。 只有这样才能真正达到向国外游客介绍我国茶 文化、我们西湖龙井茶的目的。

Warming-up Activities  Discuss the following questions and report the result to the class:  1. Make a list of the drinks you know.  2. What are the three most important drinks in the world? world?  3. What is the most popular drink in China?  4. What do you drink most in your daily life?

Working Process of Visiting the Tea Garden (I) On the Bus In the Tea Garden Buy the Drying WokIn the Reception Room

Working Process of Visiting the Tea Garden (II)  1. On the way introduction to the tea culture, including the history, the popularity with the including the history, the popularity with the Chinese, the varieties, the function of the Chinese, the varieties, the function of the drinking (such as the medicinal value and the like) of tea. drinking (such as the medicinal value and the like) of tea.  2. Show the guests the tea garden and the drying process with detailed explanation. process with detailed explanation.  3. Lead the guests to the tea sipping (tasting) room to enjoy the tea and help them with their to enjoy the tea and help them with their purchasing the tea when they are willing. purchasing the tea when they are willing.

Explanation of Texts (I) 1. On the Way to the Tea Plantation Key Words: Key Words: dragon well tea dragon well tea natural condition natural condition processing processing labor consuming labor consuming

Explanation of Texts (I) Explanation of Texts (I) Useful Expressions: a. It is said that… b. On the one hand, … On the other hand,… c. Talking about the picking, how is it done? d. Generally speaking,…

Explanation of Texts (II) 2. At the Tea Plantation Key words: Key words: form of art form of art nutrition nutrition detoxifying detoxifying

Explanation of Texts (II) Useful expressions: a. The village covers an area of 300 hectares, of which 30 are for tea production. b. Talking about picking, how is it done? c. Generally speaking, the spring leaves are the best, the autumn the second and the summer, the third.

Explanation of Texts (III) 3. By the Drying Oven Key words: Key words: drying drying stage stage temperature temperature shaping shaping labor consuming labor consuming obligated obligated inflexibility inflexibility

Explanation of Texts (III) Useful expressions: a. Can I buy some tea here? b. I’m very glad to pack it for you. c. This has been wonderful. d. The drying process is done is two stages

Explanation of Text (IV) 4. At the Teahouse  Key words: get seated tea ceremony tea ceremony aroma aroma nutrition nutrition medicinal effect medicinal effect

Explanation of Text (IV) Explanation of Text (IV) Useful expressions: a.Welcome to our tea village. b.Please get seated. c.Thank you so much for your taking us here to visit d.You’ve been really informative. I have learnt a lot in this trip.

Consolidation (I)  Q and A 1.What are the things usually mentioned on the way to the tea plantation? 2.How to give an interpretation on the tea garden? 3.What is the best way to make and drink dragon well tea?

Consolidation (II)  Role-play Situation A Give a five-minute presentation on Dragon Well Green Tea. Give a five-minute presentation on Dragon Well Green Tea. Situation B You are by the tea-drying wok, in which a tea farmer is drying tea leaves, with a foreign group. The group knows very little about the making of green tea. Try to explain the drying process to your foreign guests. You are by the tea-drying wok, in which a tea farmer is drying tea leaves, with a foreign group. The group knows very little about the making of green tea. Try to explain the drying process to your foreign guests.

Assignments  1. Memorize the words appear in the texts. texts.  2. Practice the dialogues with your partner. partner.

Thank you!