Content Role of the government Instruments development in the context of the implementation of the CDM Results obtained Conclusions
Role of the government Initial stages Participation in the context of the negotiation of the international agreements Develop national capacity Facilitated the implementation of the new instruments
Instruments development in the context of the implementation of the CDM Clear national framework Articulation with national plans National Development Plan – NDP Law 813, 2003 NDP includes the priority to implement and coordinate activities to promote CDM projects in different sector (energy, transport, solid waste and LULUCF) Includes specific target related with GHG emission reduction by CDM projects. Target 2003 – 2006 : US$ 30M US $26 M
Instruments development in the context of the implementation of the CDM Articulation with other sectors National Council on Economic and Social Policy CONPES 3243 (August, 2003) Strategy and Actions to Promote the Climate Change Mitigation Environmental Services Recommendations for 4 ministries Working plans with the different sectors Approved by National Council of Social and Economic Policy - August, 2003 Mining-Energy Sector, with the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Mining-energy Planning Unit (UPME). Non-Interconnected Areas Sector, with the Energy Solutions Institute, in charge of energy generation in non-interconnected areas. Transportation Sector, with the Ministry of Transportation. Agro-Forestry Sector, with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Research Institute – IDEAM, the Tropical Agriculture Research Center (CIAT), PLANTE, the National Planning Department, CIPAV and CORPOICA.
Fiscal benefits (tax exemptions) Tax allowance in CDM projects Law 788, 2003 For new projects in renewable energy if: The project includes social programs and social investment. Rent Exemption in projects: eolic energy and biomass 15 years Tax allowance for the equipment (new technology) Exemption in added value tax Importation of technology and equipment for CDM projects Instruments development in the context of the implementation of the CDM
Results obtained (1/2) Jepirachi Wind Power Project Colombia´s first wind farm. 19.5 MW, Ton CO 2 e Direct benefits to indigenous community – Wayuu Improve local conditions Water supply Education Productive employment EE.PP.M E.S.P - ERPA US $3.2 Rio Amoya Run-of-River Power Project New approach to hydropower generation Mitigation, vulnerability and adaptation 80 MW, 4´ Ton CO 2 e Direct befefits to the communitiy: Health Education Alternative production activities Generadora Union – ERPA $18,2 Euros.
Results obtained (2/2) Urban Mass Transportation System: Transmilenio First CDM transportation project presented to meth panel Benefits to the most important city. Rio Frio Waster Water Treatment Plant Project Three type of benefits Climate change mitigation Provision of clean drinking water and adecuate sanitation Benefits to local commnunity CO2 and N2O
Conclusions The current carbon market will grow and consolidate in the following months. Globally the carbon market pieces are close to be in place The pace of its development has been enormous In no time, the current learning scenario will become a competitive arena, where competitive advantages will prove decisive.