Certified Evaluation Orientation August 19, 2011
Purpose Orientation of certified staff as mandated by Board Policy and KRS and 704 KAR 3:345 To give each employee the opportunity to understand my expectations of you and your professional growth.
Evaluation ALL employees must receive orientation on the evaluation process within the first month of reporting to duty. The Principal must notify employees to be evaluated this school year within the first month of reporting to duty.
Evaluation Program The Principal is the primary supervisor of certified school employees. Additional administrative personnel may be used to observe. (Ms. Wampler)
Evaluation Program All observations of performance shall be conducted openly with full knowledge of the teacher. Each formal observation shall be noted on the evaluation form and should be a minimum of 30 minutes.
Evaluation Program Individual Professional Growth Plans Must be established revised or continued They must be aligned with goals and Objectives of the school consolidated plan.
Evaluation Program Pre-Observation Conferences will be conducted by the Principal prior to the Formal Observation. Post-Observation Conferences must take place within 5 working days of the observation. (Planning Time is the time I like to use, if possible)
Evaluation Timetable Formal and informal Observations and data collection is an on-going process. Multiple formative observations shall occur for each non-tenured, certified employee. Summative evaluations must be completed by April 15 th on all non-tenured employees.
Evaluation Timetable Summative evaluation shall occur, but not limited to, a minimum of once every three year period for each tenured teacher. Summative evaluations for tenured teachers must be completed by June 15 th.
Evaluation Multiple observations shall be conducted with certified employees whose initial observation results are unsatisfactory. An individual corrective action plan is to be completed by the supervisor and employee as it relates to an unsatisfactory rating on any standard from the summative evaluation.
Evaluation The evaluation process allows the opportunity for a written response by the employee concerning any part they do not agree with. The response becomes part of the employee’s official record.
Evaluation Summative evaluations on any employee on a Corrective Action Growth plan must be complete by April 15 th. A copy of the evaluation must be provided to the employee.
Process and Procedure Each employee shall be evaluated on the standards and performance criteria found in the teacher handbook. There shall be formative observations and conferences to assist employees in meeting district standards.
Process and Procedure Third party observations are allowable if person is trained in content area or curriculum specialist. Must be a mutual agreement between supervisor and teacher of third party observer. If no agreement within 5 school days, supervisor selects third party observer. Must be in writing prior to February 15 of the summative year
Process and Procedure A minimum of one full-length formal observation will be made. Informal observations can occur at any time the employee is performing his/her duties. A pre-observation conference will take place the day prior to the observation.
Process and Procedure All certified staff will develop an Individual Professional Growth Plan. It will align with the goals and mission of this school. This plan will be developed with the assistance of the Principal.
Appeal Process Any employee who feels that there evaluation is not an accurate assessment of their performance, either by substance or procedure, may file an appeal with the District Appeals Panel. The appropriate form is in the handbook
IMPORTANT !!! An evaluatee has TEN (10) WORKING days from the date of the summative conference to file the request for appeal.
Appeals Process A written statement and the reason for the appeal must be submitted. The original and three copies of any appeal must be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered to the Appeals Panel Chairperson.
Appeals Process The envelope will be dated by the Appeals Panel Chairperson and the appellant will receive a receipt. The appeal will be review by the appeals panel within ten (10) working day of its receipt.
Appeals Process Employee and supervisor will be asked to submit documentation Employee and supervisor will be asked to submit lists of persons who may be called as witnesses at a hearing. This documentation must be submitted within five (5) workdays of receipt of request for this information.
Appeals Process Any hearing will be held within 45 calendar days from receipt of appeal. The format for the hearing is in your handbook. A written decision will be given within ten (10) calendar days of the hearing date.
Appeals Process A certified employee who feels that the Hopkins County School District has not properly implemented the evaluation plan accordingly shall have the opportunity to appeal to the Kentucky Department of Education no later than thirty (30) days after the final action at the district level.
Question & Answer Period
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