Where is the Gospel of Mark? Find it in the Bible… In the Old or New Testament? What are the names of the other books of the Bible which are similar to Mark? how are these books different to Mark?
Most probable Author: Although there is no direct evidence of authorship, it is generally thought that this Gospel was written by John Mark. It is the first gospel to be written, probably in the 55-65 AD, and was written for the church in Rome. Mark 14:51-52; Acts 12:25; Acts 13:5
Themes in the Gospel of Mark: The Kingdom of God has Come The word "kingdom" literally means "sovereignty" or "reign" [the king’s dome] and refers to the power the king has to rule and exercise authority. The title "Christ" (the Anointed One) reminds us that God sent Jesus not to establish an earthly kingdom but to bring us into his heavenly kingdom – a kingdom ruled by truth, justice, peace, and holiness.
Themes in the Gospel of Mark: Jesus came to serve. He gave his life in service to humankind. He lived out his message through service, therefore, we can follow his actions and learn by his example. The ultimate purpose of the book is to reveal Jesus' call to personal fellowship with him through daily discipleship.
Themes in the Gospel of Mark: Miracles of Christ. Jesus proves his divinity in Mark by the demonstration of miracles. There are more miracles than messages in this Gospel. Jesus shows that he means what he says and he is who he says. He reveals who he is through what he does. He explains his mission and message through his actions.
Key Verses: Mark 10:44-45 ...and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.“ Mark 1:15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Overview of the Gospel of Mark: The 16 chapters of the Gospel of Mark can be divided into two parts, 8 chapters each. In chapters 1-8 Jesus is essentially travelling north and preaching. In Chapter 8, Jesus is in the city of Caesarea Philippi where He asks His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” (vs. 27). Peter replies, “You are the Christ”. In chapters 9-16, Jesus is traveling south, back to Jerusalem; all the way to Calvary and the cross.
Overview of the Gospel of Mark: In chapter 1, there is a quick introduction of John the Baptist and his preparation for the coming Messiah. It also includes the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, and the temptation in the desert by Satan. The focus quickly changes to the message and ministry of Jesus.
Overview of the Gospel of Mark: In chapters 2-10, Jesus selects His Disciples, “And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him, and that He could send them out to preach” (3:14). The rest of these passages almost completely refer to Jesus as a Servant. It presents Jesus either teaching, healing, helping, performing miracles, blessing, feeding, challenging authority, and feeling compassion (8:2).
Overview of the Gospel of Mark: Chapters 11-16 are the final chapters that declare the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ again another example of servanthood. He is betrayed, dragged through a faulty trial, and then unmercifully beaten, humiliated and crucified; all for the purpose of serving sinners. The final chapter is the miraculous resurrection of His physical body, numerous appearances, and command of the Great Commission, and finally His ascension to the right hand of God.