1930’s What is going on in the world politically By: Michael Allo and Chris Moree
Major Issues in Country Great Depression -Poverty -Crash of Stock Market (Black Tuesday) -Food prices fell Dust Bowl -farms were destroyed
Who were our leaders? Herbert Hoover President during the Crash 1930 Franklin D. Roosevelt Helped us get out of the Crash
How did they seek to resolve the issues? Roosevelt ―Created the New Deal ―3 R’s, Reform/Relief/Recovery Hoover ―Didn’t really do anything to help
How race and racism factor what was occurring? KKK (Ku Klux Klan) ―People joined to kill non-whites ―Killed many people who went againist them Blacks ―Had the most difficult part of the Great Depression ―Many have died ―Many have tried to get out and make a difference
Work Cited Trescott, Paul B. "Inflation." The Thirties in America. Ed. Thomas Tandy Lewis. 3 Vols. Salem Press, Salem History Web. 29 Oct This is an article from a database. I found this article by searching the ICONN database Salem History keyword phrase "Great depression" to get this article. It was easy to use and the citation tool worked well. The article gave facts about important documents that the government passed to help fix the economy. The information about the document was easy to understand. I will use this information in the background section of my project, but I will need more information to complete my project Brooks, Stefan. "New Deal." The Thirties in America. Ed. Thomas Tandy Lewis. 3 Vols. Salem Press, Salem History Web. 01 Nov. 2013s This is an article from a database.I found this article by searching the ICONN database Salem History. I used the keyword phrase "Great Depression" to get this article. It was easy to use and the citation tool worked well. The article gave facts about the politics during the 1930s as well as information about how it works. The information how politics worked was a bit complicated and hard to understand, but the main facts were helpful. I will use this information in the background section of my project, but I will need additional information to complete my project.