Partners IN Salford Delivery & Governance Feedback on the suggestions from recent consultation for discussion by Salford Strategic Partnership Executive
The question we want to answer What would a Local Strategic Partnership fit for Salford’s needs do and look like? Thinking about……. LAA Delivery at city and neighbourhood level Integrating public services where necessary Aligning public sector resources (Increasingly) enabling efficiencies and transformation Linking the local to the central
In summary, we have developed proposals that should deliver better outcomes for Salford A clearer, more meaningful role for the current SSP Board More clout for the LSP Executive with more focus on aligning partners resources and public sector reform and efficiency Strengthened senior level support for the Executive through the LAA Board – disbanding current SSP Mgt Group Retain thematic approach but stronger focus on joint commissioning within themes Reconciles ‘Thinks’ and Thematics into one structure Small number of focused Joint Commissioning Groups to bring themes together on most challenging and more cross cutting issues Stronger relationship between neighbourhood/locality delivery and governance and LSP level work Clearer relationship between LSP and scrutiny functions Joined up research and intelligence
Methodology (July – September 2009) Follow on from Future Search and Spotlight Consultation interviews and group sessions with 28 representatives from across the partnership We took a ‘form follows function’ approach –Strategic –Executive –Thematic –Neighbourhood/Community (through links with the Neighbourhood Review) –Support processes (research and intelligence, performance management, etc) Best practice from other LSPs and the Audit Commission
Key proposal 1: We need to ensure widespread partner input into the LSP – ‘a broad church’ Suggestions: Reform SSP Board to become the ‘SSP Strategic Forum’ to better reflect these functions Forum informs and affirms overall direction, supports production, progress and delivery of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) and Local Area Agreement (LAA) All members of the SSP Board to be involved elsewhere in the LSP structure Membership to be reviewed to include duty to cooperate partner authorities Required functions: Ensure widespread and meaningful input into the vision and direction for the city Reflection of the diversity of the city – communities and services Ensure clarity, understanding, consensus and sounding board for progress reports ‘Think’ time on major issues Joint learning and development opportunities
Key proposal 2: Executive drives strong and focused leadership of public service delivery, reform and efficiency – Community leadership in action Suggestions: SSP Executive remains accountable for driving forward the strategic direction and delivery of the partnership SSP Executive to focus more strongly on alignment of business plans and resources, opportunities for transformation and efficiency Ensure the SSP Executive reflects a ‘tight’ and focused group of senior representatives Senior level LAA Programme Board to support the SSP Executive by coordinating and monitoring delivery of performance and commissioning – replacing the SSP Management Group Required functions: Highest level joint ownership of vision and delivery Strong capacity to resolve key concerns Ensuring alignment of partner’s business plans and resources with SCS and LAA Driving reform and efficiency across public services
Key proposal 3: Driving delivery - a thematic model that can share priorities better Health & Wellbeing Crime & Disorder Reduction Children & Young People Work & Skills City, Housing Transport & Environment Principles: Retain a thematic approach but … Identify accountable agency/ies for each ‘theme’ Themes each manage cross cutting issues eg cohesion, community engagement Shared Priority Joint Strategic Commissioning Groups (Number TBD) LAA objectives on… Reducing smoking Reducing obesity Reducing alcohol and drug misuse Reducing teenage pregnancy Maximising quality of life for older people Safeguarding vulnerable adults Reducing the fear of crime Reducing anti-social behaviour SSP Executive LAA Programme Board SSP Forum Joint intelligence, research, performance management… Reducing numbers of looked after children Increasing educational attainment Improving parenting Reducing child poverty Increasing basic skills Increasing access to higher education Reducing worklessness Addressing climate change Improving transport connectivity to services Growing and developing business and enterprise in Salford Developing MediaCityUK Maximising access to affordable, decent homes Increasing environmental attractiveness
Quantitative Data Perception Data Community Engagement Strategy Operational Planning Procurement Performance Monitoring Evaluation; Learning Changing Delivery Operational Delivery 1.ANALYSE citizen’s and customer’s needs and aspirations 2. PLAN how to help citizens and customers to meet their needs and aspirations 4. REVIEW delivery to check how well we are helping citizens and customers to meet their needs and aspirations 3. DO secure and manage delivery to help citizens and customers to meet their needs and aspirations Making commissioning central to delivery and sharing priorities Commissioning is a continuous cycle with four phases each as important as the other. Resourcing analysis and service planning without monitoring would make it difficult for commissioners to understand what outcomes they were achieving and the quality of commissioned activities.
Tier 2 Priorities that require to be delivered by a number of partners Tier 3 Priorities that are everybody’s business We need to join up on some things more than others Tier 1 Partnership Priorities that can be delivered by individual organisations No Delivery Risk Less case for integration Some delivery risk Clear case for joining up Critical delivery risk Clear that outcome is everybody’s business Joint Strategic Commissioning is of most importance for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Priorities
City Health & Wellbeing Skills & Work Children & Young People Crime & Disorder Key agencies who can deliver on more complex people issues: eg: Council, PCT, JCP, Police, Children’s, Services, College… Joint Strategic Commissioning Group – ‘people’ Aspects of Enterprise Development Aspects of Health Inequalities Aspects of Skills & Work Child Poverty Aspects of Attainment Family Support Aspects of Crime Reduction & Reducing Re- offending Thematic Structures Driving delivery – Joint Commissioning Groups
Key Proposal 4: ‘Top down meets bottom up’ – links with neighbourhood/community delivery Suggestions: This work to be synchronised with the emerging recommendations of the Neighbourhood Review There is a requirement for a challenge and coordination function for the cross-cutting activities: Community Cohesion Community Engagement and Empowerment Narrowing the Gap Communities of Identity Neighbourhood Working (the Neighbourhood Review) 3rd Sector Access and Influence Required functions: A robust way for local priorities to directly inform central and local planning and vice versa Neighbourhoods and communities can access and impact on the success of the LSP Cross-cutting issues (eg community cohesion, community engagement etc) need to be owned and addressed by the executive thematic structures
Delivery is owned throughout the system – issues and priorities escalate up and down as needed Neighbourhood arrangements (tbd) Neighbourhood Partnership Boards Thematic and Joint Commissioning Groups LAA Programme Board Executive Sub Region Region National (LAA/MAA)
Key Proposal 5: Joint Support Processes Suggestions: Think Efficiency and Collaborate to Innovate to provide more joined up support for partnerships and commissioners Clear links to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function Support mechanisms to include representation from across the partnership for: Research & Intelligence Performance Management Project Management Partnership Working Evaluation Equalities and Diversity Joint Strategic Commissioning to be developed as the key underpinning process for driving partnership delivery Required functions: A joint ‘engine room’ of support services is required to underpin the delivery of the city’s priorities (eg Research, Intelligence, Performance Management etc) Driving efficiency and effectiveness in these common functions
Summary: each piece has a critical and distinct role to play to add value SSP Forum SSP Executive Joint research, intelligence and performance mgt Thematics and Joint Commissioning Groups Neighbourhood arrangements Oversight, partnership development and engagement Sets priorities, ultimate accountability, high level strategy and delivery, driving public sector reform Central and local needs analysis, research, performance management Strategy, commissioning and performance management within and across themes Area planning and delivery, community engagement, local accountability LAA programme Board Overseeing whole LAA and SCS delivery, gripping and driving delivery on key risks and cross cutting issues, supports Executive
In summary, we have developed proposals that should deliver better outcomes for Salford A clearer, more meaningful role for the current SSP Board More clout for the LSP Executive with more focus on aligning partners resources and public sector reform and efficiency Strengthened senior level support for the Executive through the LAA Board – disbanding current SSP Mgt Group Retain thematic approach but stronger focus on joint commissioning within themes Reconciles ‘Thinks’ and Thematics into one structure Small number of focused Joint Commissioning Groups to bring themes together on most challenging and more cross cutting issues Stronger relationship between neighbourhood/locality delivery and governance and LSP level work Clearer relationship between LSP and scrutiny functions Joined up research and intelligence