Accounting for Partnership in MSP Evaluations Dr. Gordon Kingsley School of Public Policy Georgia Institute of Technology
Partnership and Public Service Expectations, Complexity, Leveraging NOFAs Rhetorical Partnerships Eligibility Requirements Program Requirements MSP: A Policy-Inducement for Partnership
What is Partnership? Root Term: Collaboration –The underlying hypothesis is that increases in collaboration will result in more desired outcomes. What’s Missing in this Conceptualization of Partnership? Language of Liability and Risk (prevalent in management research) Clarity of the basic unit of analysis (who are the partners: organizations, groups, individuals?) Clarity regarding the behavior of interest (is partnership different from normal work relationships) Partnership as an opportunity to customize Partnership as an innovation laboratory Partnership as an opportunity for coalition building
Defining Partnership Entity Based Definitions Venue Based Definitions Process Based Definitions Agreement Based Definitions Anchoring Effect: A key factor in evaluations is to assess the level of agreement amongst participants as to their definitions of partnership.
Nested Modeling Strategies Intergovernmental Relations Inter-organizational Relations Grant Events Project Teams Project Events
PIP-POP Policy Inducements for Partnership Partnership Operating Paths
Embeddedness Strategic Needs Partnership Formation Coercion/ Influence Program/Project A Program/Project B Program/Project C Program/Project D Program/Project E Outcomes
Observing Policy Inducements Policy Inducements come from all levels of government Accountability as a Motivator Local Promotion Policies as a Motivator Grant incentives as a Motivator Translators of Policy Inducements Senior Leadership Consultants (largely unobserved) Soft Money Personnel (confounded with others)
Observing Operating Paths Recognizing the Fruits of Partnership Teachers and IHE faculty may not be aware of partnership Branding Recognizing the Costs of Partnership Exporting procedures Transaction costs
Operating Paths II Mutuality in the exchange Identity enhancement Alignment Alignment of skills and ideas with teachers environment Alignment of institutional incentives and goals of partners
Link to Paper: Fwww%2Eprism%2Egatech%2Eedu%2F%7Egk18%2FSTEM%2Fkingsle y%2Dwaschak%2Epdf