Talking Points & Activities ◦Why Pursue? ◦VPR’s Recognition Program ◦Provost’s Forms ◦Funding Opportunities ◦Internal ◦External ◦Fellowships ◦Grants ◦Project Timeline ◦Funding Calendar
Why Pursue? ◦I’ve got my first book publication for tenure, so I’m good ◦I’ve got my second book publication for full, so I’m good ◦I’m a scholar in the humanities, I don’t need much funding for research ◦But what if I: ◦Want to be one of THE leading scholars in my field? ◦Want to be recognized for my outstanding work? ◦Want to keep growing and producing as a scholar? ◦Want my scholarship to impact students and communities? ◦And, no matter what... I always need time off to write, and extra $ is always welcome.
VPR’s Recognition Program ◦AKA, Recognition Program for Exceptional Achievements in Research and Creative Activity Norman Campus and Norman Campus Programs at OU-Tulsa ◦Rewards highly-prestigious and prestigious awards / fellowships ◦ awards/recognition-program-exceptional- achievements-research awards/recognition-program-exceptional- achievements-research $ Awards>> Highly Prestigious Tier: (for humanists [with some gray]) o Academy Award o American Antiquarian Society o ACLS Fellowships o Guggenheim Fellowship o National Book Award o National Endowment Fellowship o National Humanities Center Fellow o Robert Wood Johnson Policy Fellow o Tony Award o Woodrow Wilson Int’l Ctr for Scholars Prestigious Tier: o American Academy in Rome – Rome Prize o American School of Classical Athens o Friederich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award o Fulbright Scholar o Getty Scholars in Residence o Humboldt Prize (aka Humboldt Research Award) o IMLS Early Career Awards o Newberry Library Long-Term Fellowships o Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Fellowships o Stanford Humanities Center
Provost’s Forms ◦Steps: ◦Read and re-read both the Policy and the Leave Form ◦Consult with your respective dean’s office ◦Fill out the form as early as possible ◦($ can be negotiated on the back end) ◦Consider Option 2 as the best option ◦Become familiar with the activities the fellowship covers (and how much for each category) ◦Salary (how much from the grant?) ◦Travel ◦Cost of living Provost’s Policy & Procedure: Provost’s Leave Form:
Funding Opportunities / Internal ◦College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) ◦Funding Assistance Program (FAP) ◦Junior Faculty Fellowship (JFF)* ◦Senior Faculty Summer Fellowships (SFSF) ◦Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR) ◦Faculty Investment Program (FIP) ◦Arts & Humanities Faculty Fellowship (AHFF) ◦Junior Faculty Fellowship (JFF)* ◦Provost ◦Presidential International Travel Fellowships (PITF) See the following link for an extensive of internal Funding opportunities: ports/Internal_Funding_OU _2015.pdf
Funding Opportunities / External ◦Keys to Success: ◦Become familiar with your discipline’s primary [Federal] funding organization/s ◦Know the major awards within your discipline / field ◦National Associations ◦Foundations ◦Know each organization’s funding priorities – past, present, and future trends ◦Fellowships: Lots ◦Grants: Not so many
Funding Opportunities / External / Fellowships ◦Foundations: ◦Pivot: ◦University of Oklahoma: ◦Boston University: handbook/research/humanities-fellowships-and-grants-deadlines/ handbook/research/humanities-fellowships-and-grants-deadlines/ ◦Northeastern University: opportunities-2/funding-in-the-arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/ opportunities-2/funding-in-the-arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/ ◦University of Connecticut: international-opportunities/ international-opportunities/
Funding Opportunities / External / Grants ◦Grants: ◦Pivot: ◦Federal: ◦National Endowment for the Humanities ◦National Archives and Records Administration ◦Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs ◦Institute of Museum and Library Services ◦National Park Service ◦National Endowment for the Arts (Translation Projects) ◦National Science Foundation
Project Timeline
Funding Calendar Agency / FoundationDue DateScope / SummaryOU Lead / OthersTasksTBD by when Faculty Investment Program Rolling deadline (15 th of each month, during the academic year) The best humanities project ever – your great project idea Your name Others, if applicable X, Y, Z1 st of the month (set up meeting with CRPDE) Junior Faculty Fellowship January 6, 2016A different phase of the project (most faculty use the JFF to cover summer salary You (and only you) DittoDecember 1 st (unless you feel like doing it during winter break) NEH Fellowship April 28, 2016 A new, great idea – penetrating, profound, and fun You (and only you) DittoMarch 15 NEH’s Division of Research Programs at or ACLS Usually mid-to-late September Ditto August 15 Rachel Bernard: ETC
Activity ◦Identify 5-10 funding opportunities (by field) ◦Determine suitability / fit of your work with the program ◦Remember: it’s about the funder, not you (or your work) ◦Determine due dates ◦Would your project benefit from collaborators? ◦Complete funding calendar template ◦Create project timeline ◦Major benchmarks ◦Include meeting/s with Dean ◦Completion of Provost’s Form
In Closing ◦If you would like to set up a consultation, I am available to meet and discuss: ◦Your strategy ◦Your project ◦Your timeline ◦Your funding calendar ◦Your next steps ◦All of the above ◦None of the above Make an appointment now, if you’d like! Todd Fuller /