Physical Effects Floor Coverings Permanent fixtures, Storage Color Children’s display Child-size furniture Children Trust the Environment Welcoming place Comfortable Pleasing to the eye Feels safe 1. CLASSROOM CHARACTERISTICS
Children Feel That They Belong Personal cubby Child size furniture Supplies Wall decorations Art is children’s work at eye level Children can be Independent Autonomy is encouraged Materials accessible Logically organized Stored on low shelves Clear containers 1. CLASSROOM CHARACTERISTICS
Children Feel and are Kept Safe Safety rules inside & out Organized & safe play Teaches importance of following rules 1. CLASSROOM CHARACTERISTICS
2. THE 4 AREAS OF SPACE Active WetDry Quiet
Where would be a good location for an art center? Wet Where would be an appropriate location for a reading center? Quiet Where would be a good location for a science center? Active/Wet 2. THE 4 AREAS OF SPACE
Indoor gross motor play equipment such as slides & climbers shall not have a play surface that exceeds 5 ½ feet in height. Equipment less than 3 feet in height shall be surrounded by protective cushioning material. Outdoor play area shall have at least 40 square feet of space for each child. 3. SAFE ENVIRONMENT
The outdoor play area shall be enclosed within a 4 foot high fence or wall with no gaps in fences greater than 5 inches at any point. There shall be 1 working toilet for every 15 children and one working sink for every 25 children. SAFE ENVIRONMENT