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Presentation transcript:

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1 – It is not about you - It is not your personal time to share your latest revelation - It is not your show and tell - It is not your time to preach - It is not your time full stop

1 – It is not about you 2- It is about the congregation - Phil 2:3 Do nothing form selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves - encourage participation… - facilitate testimonies, pray

1 – It is not about you 2- It is about the congregation - Phil 2:3 3- It is about Jesus - Eph 4:13 Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ

1 – Prepare an outline. - No songs, - How long they go - Who is preaching, testimonies - Timeline - Who is going to be there - What musicians will be present - Special occasions -

1 – Prepare an outline. 2 – Be creative - Medleys - Lead and solo’s - items - Congregation signing only

1 – Prepare an outline. 2 – Be creative 3 – Be willing to change - watch congregations response - be reasonable and flexible - do not over-reach - be sensitive to the unknown

1 – Prepare an outline. 2 – Be creative 3 – Be willing to change 4 – Let the service flow - Do not interrupt - Inappropriate items or timing

1 – Prepare an outline. 2 – Be creative 3 – Be willing to change 4 – Let the service flow 5 – Think about the end……think about others - There is a sermon to come - a baptism….an item

1 st Song – Think about what you want - Consider what has being happening - Consider what is coming

1 - 1 st Song – Think about what you want 2 – Greeting. - Get the peoples attention - Know who is new - Be aware of special dates - Be happy and confident

1 - 1 st Song – Think about what you want 2 – Greeting. 3 – Next group of songs. - Let the congregation sing - Allow time for the band - Do not be in a rush

1 - 1 st Song – Think about what you want 2 – Greeting. 3 – Next group of songs. 4 – Testimonies, Report, or Interview - facilitate before hand - be prepared

5 – Next group of songs - Worship.. allow to build - Lead - Don’t flog or preach or teach or lecture or any other annoying thing….just do

5 – Next group of songs 6 – Communion or offering - Know who is on - elect members to help - backup plan

5 – Next group of songs 6 – Communion or offering 7- Decide on another song or introduce preacher - Consider length of service so far - Consider length of preacher - Consider congregation’s mood