I. Jesus The Judge (Gn.18-19)
18:1, LORD appeared to him Not first time: 12:7; 17:1 Then the LORD appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day
18:2, three men 3 – men plus… Hb.13:2, must have looked like men 4-8 (Mt.25:40)
9-10, knew Sarah’s name, delivery date 10-13, knew Sarah’s laugh (cf. Mk.2) 14, divine claims; child promise 15, He could not be wrong 16-19, Lord said… (judgment) 20, Sodom’s sins; He…go down, 21 22, two men left; Abraham stood… 23-25, identified his Guest 19:1 angels (18:2, 16, 22; 19:5, 10, 12, 15, 16)
Forced conclusions Father 1. Father: never seen on earth, Jn.1:18 17, Jesus is superior to Moses Through Jesus Christ: we cannot see Father directly. V.18 18, Moses saw only His “back” yet gave Law (Ex.33) Jn.5:37; 6:46; 14:9 Jesus is at His side Jesus is at His side (Jn.13:23)
Forced conclusions Father 1. Father: never seen on earth, Jn.1:18 Son 2. Son: pre-birth existence, Jn.1:1-3, 14 1 Co.10:4 JHVH (1): Is.40:3 = Mt.3:1-3 Is.6:1-5 = Jn.12:37-41 Father 3. Divine Person of Gn.18 is not the Father 4. Must be either Jesus or Holy Spirit
Lesson Modern views of Jesus are wrong People focus on baby Jesus Safe, not demanding, or judgmental. [Ct. Gn.18:14-15] Would never tell anyone no. [Ct. Gn.19] “God of OT”Includes Jesus
I. Jesus The Judge (Gn.18-19) II. Sarah The Sinner (Gn.18)
Laughing Sarah, Gn.18:10-14 Not all sinners are the same. Ignorance Lascivious Sodom, 19:1-11. Ebla Why destroy Sodom, not Sarah? Sarah (Ab.) were not perfect Gn.12; 20 Faithful to God He used them to save world, Gn.12:3 Sodom rejected correction (19:9) 2 Pt.2:7-9 Fixated on sins He used them to warn world, Jd.7
Two groups of people Contrasts (Gn.18-19) Isaac born Moab/Ammon born Noon visitors Night visitors Abraham’s tent Lot’s house Hospitality Abuse God’s blessings God’s judgment Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Lessons Sin is not our friend Repentance restores relationship w. God Sodom could have repented Nineveh
I. Jesus The Judge (Gn.18-19) II. Sarah The Sinner (Gn.18) III. Power of Prayer (Gn.18)
God the Creator, moved by prayer Intercession for Sodom (and family) Abraham’s prayer: 1. Great faith, Concern for others, Holy respect, Humility, Fervent, Lk.18
Lessons God is better than His word, Gn.19:22 …27-29; Ep.3:20 Never underestimate power of prayer, Ja.5:16
I. Jesus The Judge (Gn.18-19) II. Sarah The Sinner (Gn.18) III. Power of Prayer (Gn.18) IV. Seed of Sodom (Gn.19)
Gn.19:30-38 A good girl may go into Sodom; no guar- antee a good girl will come out May take a girl out of Sodom; may not take Sodom out of the girl Lot’s daughters... Immoral (incestuous) Moab Ammon No trust in true God
Lessons Even from Moab or Ammon, God could produce good Mt.1:5, Ruth Quite a contrast to Lot’s girls The gospel is for all