World War I: The War to Make the World “Safe for Democracy” US History
Let’s Review Global II CCauses (Long term) M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism
Causes (Immediate Cause) Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
US Reaction to World War I “…impartial in thought as well as in action.” ~ Pres. Woodrow Wilson, 1914 US anything but impartial Many favored the Central Powers America’s single largest ethnic groups GERMAN Irish-Americans Anti-British Most Americans favored the Allies Cultural & Economic ties to Britain
US Reaction to World War I Economic Ties US exported to both Britain & Germany Britain blockades North Sea and does not allow US ships to trade with Germany Exports to Germany drops by $5 million German Submarine Warfare Germany violates international law and uses unrestricted submarine warfare Wilson believes this violates America’s ability to trade
US Reaction to World War I Sinking of the Lusitania German sub sinks British “passenger” liner 1,200 killed, including 124 Americans Wilson outraged! – Lusitania carried innocent cargo Actually… 1,248 cases of 3-inch shells 2,000 cases of ammunition for guns
Sinking of Lusitania
US Reaction to World War I 1917 US ends diplomatic relations with Germany Four US merchant ships sunk by Germans in March Zimmerman Telegram British intercept coded memo from Germany to Mexico If Mexico supported Germany, they would support Mexico regaining its “lost territories” in the Southwest
Zimmerman Telegram
Why did US really join the War? Economic Problems of 1914 Business in depression Deflated farm prices High unemployment Industry working well below capacity But by 1915…
Why did US really join the War? US had $2 billion worth of goods sold to Allies $3.5 billion in private foreign investments US allowed private banks to loan money to Allies J.P. Morgan and others become even wealthier U.S. steel turns a $348 million profit in 1916
Why did US really join the War? Imperialism President Wilson “Our domestic markets no longer suffice, we need foreign markets.” I support the “righteous conquest of foreign markets.” W.E.B. DuBois Capital and labor united to exploit the world “Whence comes this new wealth?...It comes primarily from the darker nations of the world…” “the white workingman has been asked to share the spoil of exploiting ‘chinks and niggers.’”
US Declares War April 6, 1917 “…the supreme test of the nation has come. We must all speak, act, and serve together."