Welcome Smithfield to NCSU! 2 nd Spring Semester Meeting Date: January 25 th, 2011
Upcoming Company Visits Feb. 1st: Cryovac Feb. 8th: Novozymes Feb. 15th: Personal Safety/Crime Prevention Meeting March 29th: Nomacorc
Athletics – Upcoming IM Sports SPORTSTART DATE Team Sports SoftballFeb. 20 th 4v4 Flag FootballFeb. 27 th BowlingMar. 14 th Individual / Dual Sports RacquetballFeb. 7 th Tennis LadderFeb. 15 th Table TennisFeb. 28 th *** Sign up if you are interested. We will only create a team if there is enough interest. ***
Athletics/ Public Service February 5 th, 8:30am FSC has 20+ runners KRISPY KREME CHALLANGE *** Registration is closed but you can still get a T-shirt and support the North Carolina's Children's Hospital by registering as a supporter
Public Service Valentines Cards –A Helping Hand Assist senior citizens –Make cards and send Include a nice message Signature to include: –A Helping Hand –NCSU Food Science Club –Your first name ONLY –Bring to Ali in room 221 by Jan. 31 st
Public Service Valentines Cards Making Party –Friday Jan. 28 th –Room 232 –12-1pm Lunch will be provided… –If you make at least 10 cards
Outreach Apex Elementary Science Spectacular –Friday, February 25 –8:50 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. –1st and 2nd graders Science of Wine –Thursday, February 10 –7 p.m p.m. –Life and Science Museum
Sean Holmer