The Renaissance Era
During this time in history… Intelletual and artistic activity began in Italy and started to spread to northern Europe Musical development started around 1475 “Renaissance thinkers” Inspired by ancient Greece and Rome People started to value personal achievement, intellectual independence and discovery
Humanism A new school of thought came about A philosophical perspective very different than the Medieval Era Emphasis on human worth, creativity, and capacity
Musical Style of the Reniassance Stepwise motion, small range still Some chromaticism started to use in secular music Duple meter became popular, not just triple Secular music became more lively More instrumental music came to be Vocal music was still predominant Vocal music started to be written with 4-5 parts
Motet - Sacred Popular type of composition from this time Written for acappella choir Chromatic musical style Performed at church, chapel, or at home for private prayer Latin text, sacred subject From mass or old testament psalms
Madrigals - Secular Began in Italy but spread all around Europe Much more complex Composition for several voices (4-5) Men and women could sing Usually acappella Amateur musicians Test - secular poems, usually about love Vivid musical imagery of text Text painting
Josquin Depres Very important Renaissance composer 20 masses, 70 motets, 70+ secular works Recognized as a genius Very big on balance and symmetry The Michelangelo of music and counterpoint One of the first composers to have many works printed
Palestrina Born in Italy Spent almost entire career working for churches in Rome Called the “Savior of church music” 104 masses, 250 motets
Listening - Palestrina
Things to Remember Motets Madrigals More complex, but still mostly vocal music Innovation and inspiration in the arts Renaissance means rebirth or reawakening