One More Graph
A Possible Plan A Process in Process
Possible Plan Step one: The points of general agreement or inescapability Step two: The implications of those agreements. Step three: Alternative Visions
Step One: Points of Agreement 1. Enrollment Growth: Steady, manageable total enrollment growth (not any one unit or program, but total overall credit hour production)
Step One: Points of Agreement 2: Student Support: Continued success in retention rates and graduation rates.
Step One: Points of Agreement 3. Improved student satisfaction: Continued efforts ensuring that our students are receiving the best support, services, and academic programming that we can provide.
Step One: Points of Agreement 4. Growth in alumni: Continued success in creating alumni that not only support the school but are involved in the successes of its students.
Step Two: Implications To achieve step one, we must do the following: Match Resources to Enrollment
Point of Decision “When you come to a fork in the road take it.” Yogi Berra
Point of Decision Vision one: Let the resources react to enrollment. Vision two: Let the resources create enrollment.
Vision One: This is what we are doing now. Resources will need to follow first-year enrollment, College of Business, and other select programs. Managed by Numbers Committee and other groups.
Vision Two: Decide How We Want to Shape the Enrollment And What Strategies Ought We to Use to Get There.
Shape Who should determine the shape of the enrollment? Small executive committee: President and Vice Presidents with input from the operational groups: deans, student services, facilities.
Strategies Who should craft the strategies? Small groups appointed by the Executive Committee after the Shape questions have been answered.
What Shape? The Executive Committee might determine a certain set of proportions: First-year growth should be X percent of total, Graduate School Y percent, etc.
What Strategies? Marketing Committee might determine how to improve application pool? First Year Committee might arrive at an absolute number of first-year students, beyond which quality of service would plummet.
Final Suggestion Whichever tine of the fork we choose, we should meet once a year. In order to review the enrollment picture, the admission standards, and endorse them or change.
A Possible Plan A Process in Process Step one: The points of general agreement or inescapability Step two: The implications of those agreements. Step three: Alternative Visions 1. Enrollment Growth: Steady, manageable total enrollment growth (not any one unit or program, but total overall credit hour production) 2. Student improvement: Continued success in retention rates and graduation rates. 3. Improved student satisfaction: Continued efforts ensuring that our students are receiving the best support, services, and academic programming that we can provide. 4. Growth in alumni: Continued success in creating alumni that not only support the school but are involved in the successes of its students. To achieve Step One, we must match resources to enrollment: Vision One: Let the resources react to enrollment. Vision Two: Let the resources create enrollment. Vision One: This is what we are doing now. Resources will need to follow first-year enrollment, College of Business, and other select programs. Managed by Numbers Committee and other groups. Vision Two: Decide How We Want to Shape the Enrollment and What Strategies Ought We to Use to Get There. Who should determine the shape of the enrollment? Small executive committee: President and Vice Presidents with input from the operational groups (deans, student services, and facilities). Who should craft the strategies? Small groups appointed by the Executive Committee after the Shape questions have been answered. The Executive Committee might determine a certain set of proportions: First-year growth should be X percent of total, Graduate School Y percent, etc. Marketing Committee might determine how to improve application pool? First Year Committee might arrive at an absolute number of first-year students, beyond which quality of service would plummet.