1 Leveraging Corrections Information for Intelligence Purposes CTA Conference Colorado Springs May 5, 2008 CTA Conference Colorado Springs May 5, 2008
2 Leveraging Corrections Information for Intelligence Purposes Gang Intelligence Drug Intelligence Counter Terrorism Intelligence Enhanced Offender Assimilation Enhanced Offender Re-Entry
4 To Law Enforcement from Corrections Telephone Records and Content Radicalization Efforts Gang Associations Criminal Affiliations & Associations Financial Transaction Records Parole Background Information Inmate Visitation Data Physical and Mental Health Conditions for Supervision Threat Group Links Drug Abuse History Community of Record
5 To Corrections From Law Enforcement ReportsRegistrationsOther ArrestWeaponCommunity Notifications BookingsSex OffenderService Calls Missing PersonsVictimField Interviews AccidentVehicleCitations IncidentHunting LicensesWitness
6 Coordination Strategy Phase I: Policy, Partnerships and Culture Phase I: Policy, Partnerships and Culture ASCA, IACP, APPA ASCA, IACP, APPA Phase II: Data Structures Phase II: Data Structures APPA, SEARCH, Global XSTF,CTA, Pegasus, APPA, SEARCH, Global XSTF,CTA, Pegasus, NYC Corrections and FBI Phase III: Information Sharing Vehicles (Networks/Transmission Paths) Phase III: Information Sharing Vehicles (Networks/Transmission Paths) Global CICC/GIWG, SEARCH, CTA, FBI, Pegasus Global CICC/GIWG, SEARCH, CTA, FBI, Pegasus
7 Partners Association of State Corrections Administrators (ASCA)Association of State Corrections Administrators (ASCA) International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) American Probation and Parole Association (APPA)American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) National Sheriffs Association (NSA)National Sheriffs Association (NSA) SEARCHSEARCH PegasusPegasus GlobalGlobal –Criminal Intelligence Coordination Council (CICC) –Intelligence Working Group (GIWG) –XML Structure Task Force (XSTF) NYC CorrectionsNYC Corrections Bureau of PrisonBureau of Prison FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems: N-DExFBI Criminal Justice Information Systems: N-DEx
9 Possible Roles for CTA Provide Leadership to Grow Organizational and Operational Capacity to Gather, Automate and Share Information Electronically Partner with ASCA Help Identify Best Practices Share Information about Best Practices Help Identify Priority Information Exchanges
10 Possible Roles for CTA Adopt NIEM as Standard for Information Sharing Identify Data Elements Needed to Implement Priority Exchanges Map Data Elements to NIEM via Global XSTF Develop Reference IEPD’s Implement Priority Information Exchanges Identify Networking Vehicles for Sharing Information (Transmission Paths) Provide Technical Support as Needed Develop Training Requirements Plan
11 Bob Greeves Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. Phone: Bob Greeves Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. Phone: