Contribution of a statistical organisation to social media DWG, Anne Nuka Head of Marketing and Dissemination Department
Anne Nuka Preparations for using social media The use of social media shows a growing trend in Estonia, gaining popularity as a communication and marketing tool for companies and state authorities. The idea of using social media was initiated by the Marketing and Dissemination Department support of the top management
Anne Nuka Preparations for using social media struggling with prejudices eliminating the fear related to the use of social media encouraging employees to use social media selecting social media channels making a list of potential writers analysing resources working out the principles for using social media.
Anne Nuka Goals for using social media External goals -to promote official statistics and statistical literacy -to provide more international comparisons and many- sided discussions on different subject areas -to find new customers and keep the current ones -to change the attitude of citizens who often characterize statistics as dry and formal Internal goals -to enhance employees’ capacity to analyse various matters -to receive readers’ feedback on the posts -to support communication with users and be ready to react quickly to feedback.
Anne Nuka Survey on social media 2010 Conducted by: DreamGrow Target group: enterprises 78% of respondents use at least one social media channel 51% of respondents are going to increase their budget for social media in most enterprises it is a team work – 2 or more employees are responsible for social media 48% use Facebook, 45% use blogs Twitter is losing popularity.
Anne Nuka Use of social media for dissemination of statistics
Anne Nuka Statistics blog Launched at the beginning of blog posts per week about 18,000 visits since January 2010 daily record – 356 visits the blog is run on the WordPress platform JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember Number of visits 3741,7422,6103,5433,1921,6451,0171,4662,192 Average per day
Anne Nuka Statistics blog writing for the blog helps to develop one’s analysing skills a possibility to publish information that does not fit into traditional channels 10 blog authors, incl. the Director General a possibility to become an opinion leader in a specific field of statistics blogs of other organisations are not monitored on a regular basis.
Anne Nuka Statistics Estonia on Facebook More than 260,000 Facebook users in Estonia (~1/5 of the population), incl. the President; 1/3 of the members of parliament in Estonia have a Facebook profile. Statistics Estonia’s news releases news releases of Eurostat, OECD and our neighbouring countries promoting of Statistics Estonia’s publications and blog posts about 230 fans (as of ), incl. journalists, researchers, etc.
Anne Nuka PHC 2011 on Twitter The pilot census of PHC 2011: e-census – face-to-face interviews –
Anne Nuka Pilot census of PHC 2011 on Twitter Almost 100,000 users of Twitter in Estonia information related to the 2011 Census preparations and population statistics information about the Census in other countries more than 370 followers.
Anne Nuka Pilot census of PHC 2011 Youtube Video demos of the e-census and face-to-face interview Facebook Using forums related to the regions of pilot census.
Anne Nuka PHC 2011 The selection and use of social media channels can vary depending on the development of technology. Use of social media for the PHC 2011: reaching certain target groups preventing crisis (monitoring social media and collecting feedback) training on how to fill in the questionnaire using social media channels for advertising presenting additional materials.
Anne Nuka Slideshare Slideshare enables to upload and share documents and presentations free of charge: all publications of Statistics Estonia presentations made by Statistics Estonia’s employees.
Anne Nuka Slideshare as a channel for dissemination of publications Indicators of Sustainable Development Business in Estonia Statistical Yearbook of Estonia 2009 Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia 3/09-2/10 Minifacts about Estonia Printed publication (copies)Web site (views)Slideshare (views)
Anne Nuka Slidecasting Slidecasting is a new multimedia format from Slideshare, which allows to take existing media (slides and audio) and link them together.
Anne Nuka
Anne Nuka Promotion of new dissemination channels Icons of Blog, Facebook and Twitter are presented on our website icons are included in the mail signatures of Statistics Estonia’s employees icons are added to promotional s used for advertising statistical publications information about new blog posts are sent to journalists.
Anne Nuka Conclusions Positive certain target groups follow our social media channels and re-disseminate information a possibility to react more spontaneously to the issues raised in the society good cooperation with the subject matter units. Negative insufficient resources, lack of time to follow the blogs of other institutions on a regular basis principles are not described in the dissemination policy the published information is mostly in Estonian.