The Creative and Cultural Industries in Scotland - policy considerations Scottish Parliament 3 September 2007 Graham Leicester
x (y) = z X = the machinery, apparatus and resources of the state Y = the system in question, messy reality Z = the desired goals (a simplification of) The Policy Equation
“If you read only one book this year about the end of civilisation, let this be it.” Quill and Quire
‘The primary challenge of our age is how we organise ourselves for creative projects – as individuals, organisations and societies. Our capacity to do this will determine how well we respond to the challenges of the 21 st century.’
Develop a higher tolerance for complexity, uncertainty and not knowing as examples of a broader set of 21 st century competencies; Develop our understanding of creative adhocracies, how they operate, and how they can become more sustainable settings for developing the 21 st century competencies. Rising to the Occasion: Cultural Leadership in Powerful Times
Pre-hypothesis: Policy Transition Industrial Policy transition (historic) Picking winners promoting market ecology and economic innovation (ecology of money) Cultural Policy transition (now) Picking winners promoting cultural ecology and artistic creativity (ecology of meaning)
“I hope that in our concentration on the means, we don’t lose sight of the end: a new vibrant and creative Scotland.” Richard Holloway