Leader+ Steering Committee 31 January-1 February Bruxelles Cooperation in Leader+ The actual benefits for the local areas European Commission
Objectives of the ongoing study Show the benefits of cooperation Spending time and money on a cooperation project is useful Illustrate that what has been achieved through cooperation would not have been otherwise possible
Method used for the study Define (with the NNUs) a sample cooperation projects (inter-territorial & transnational) having had interesting and tangible outputs and results Process projects from this sample through a reading grid (initial objective, tangible outcome, added value of cooperation, lessons) Also: use all the information available on cooperation (databases, guides, pilot actions & good practices) to enrich the analysis
The objectives of cooperation… take advantage of similarities (geographical characteristic, specific production, cultural asset, historical context...) take advantage of complementarities (geographical assets, natural complementarities, management of complementary know-how) reach critical masses (new markets, economy of scale…) bring a tangible value added to the areas & actors involved... how about the tangible benefits & results?
Why have LAGs cooperated in L+? because they have to! (compulsory / top down) to get further granting because other areas do it / for the image of the LAG (prestige and visibility) to reinforce existing contacts (internal to the LAG or with external partners) to aquire knowledge, learn from the partners: transfer and exchange of ideas and good practices to exploit new markets for regional products to broaden the horizons and open up minds to Europe to create a working basis for the future
Some tangible benefits Assessment of spontaneous (transnational) Leader I cooperation --> 5 possible types of cooperations… still up to date! Types of cooperationMain inputs for the participants 1) Exchange of experienceNew perspectives Awareness-raising on a particular theme Confidence 2) Training and human resourcesBetter qualifications of the people involved 3) Innovation transferApplication of new expertise, technology and/or working methods 4) Joint business managementAccess to new markets 5) Participation in a thematic network Definition of common norms and methodologies Collective management
What have L+ LAGs got out from cooperation? further to what they were expecting Some general ideas… better management skills finding new solutions a direct (sometimes economic) return for the local actors involved strengthen local strategy boost motivation of the actors involved create a cooperation culture … and some tangible outputs
Some tangible outputs (1) already possible to partly identify after Leader II Definition and development of new products / services and technical assistance many joint training courses joint design of products and services --> plan and implement experimental programmes and carry out tests / development of quality management methods jointly develop and use software, internet sites, computer systems, etc
Some tangible outputs (2) Joint production of goods and services: common action in the stricter sense the notion of common action: put forward by the Commission, understood in various ways joint production of goods is difficult (logistical, economic and legal obstacles). Yet development notably in tourism (routes) and culture (festivals, exhibitions) sectors consolidation of production in the local areas involved
Some tangible outputs (3) Joint promotion of products and services many classical activities (leaflets, CD-ROMs, logos, internet sites, fairs...) mainly in the tourism, crafts and cutural sectors (more favorable?) food or agriculture products: diversity (products, contexts and outlets) --> effective joint promotion actions are difficult --> either more generic type of promotion (around all regional foodstuffs, specialities and recipes) or promotion around a single product (truffle, specific type of tree...)
What L+ has most changed concerning the results of cooperation More professionalism more experience (LAGs & local actors) --> mature projects with tangible results at different development stages A longer term vision (phases, greater ambition, economic turnover…) Tangible outcomes in more sectors than before: from (nearly) tourism only to tourism + culture + craft + economy More proactivity of the local actors: not only as participants but involved in definition, implementation and development of the projects (real bottom-up) Stronger partnerships: local, specialized partnership (women entrepreneurs, typical quality craftsmen, specific tourism provider...) between areas involved around 1 project, then another, then another --> the spiral of cooperation Into building strong basis for the future
What next? Complete the sample of projects Continue the analysis around the issues mentioned, complete the list of issues if needed Envisage a format of publication which would touch both decision makers in LAGs (sometimes difficult to convince) and local actors (for whom things sometimes seem complex) little theory and a lot of short project description outlining results achieved, interviews, pictures and drawings?