Second Life: What it means to ActiveCampus ● ActiveCampus is also trying to create collaboratively created spaces. ● Graffiti, map messaging, and user-submitted maps, sites, and Aps. ● You art people also like interactive user- made art
Collaborative creation ● Creating stuff – Combine primitive 3D objects to create 3D things. – Upload textures to make new clothes. – Wear 3D things positioned on yourself. – Use Poser or Blender to create character animations. ● Such animations can be traded/sold. ● Animations can be applied to you by objects - e.g., when you sit on a chair, the chair 'sitting' animation might have been overridden
Collaborative creation (cont.) – Upload sounds and combine them with animations to make gestures. E.g.,"Boo!". – Scripts can be added to objects to change the way they interact. E.g., create your own gun. – Can define an internet radio station to be played to others when in your area. – Permission system allows seller/giver to restrict 'modify', 'copy', and 'transfer' rights.
Public sandboxes ● Players incrementally create objects with form and action before your eyes. ● Players can only modify objects when placed in the physical world, so all creation is done visibly. – If this is a bug, it's definately a feature. ● XMLRPC (server only) interaction merging the game and the real world.
Interactive art ● Players can own land to display their creations. ● Wide range of 'art': – Pictures drawn by artists uploaded into their virtual showroom. – Pictures of friends and such. – Incredibly complex scripted environments. ● E.g., baseball.
Artsy stuff I don't care about but you do ● Most popular creative products: – Fashion. – Dance clubs and dances. ● Extremely escapist game for the generation before me (they love 80's music). – Guns. ● Political activisim: – Anti John Kerry land. ● Freely copyable but not modifyable anti-Kerry signs, textures, etc.. ● Turned into a pro John Kerry land. – Policitical buyout, or art student creating papers?