REM 100 Jeopardy –Midterm Environmental Philosophies WarPotpourriLife-Cycle Analysis General
The three “utopian” views of the human- environmental relationship – 10 points
This influential environmental figure advocated for the institution of National Parks, he was also a founding member of the sierra club. – 20 points
The environmental philosophy most associated with Arne Naess – 30 points
The difference between a conservationist and a preservationist – 40 points
The three possible human perspectives on nature – 50 points
An ecological impact or consequence of war– 10 points
An environmental effect of nuclear war – 30 points
An ecological impact or consequence of the Gulf War – 40 points
The name of the defoliator used in the Vietnam War – 50 points
able to be sustained for an indefinite period without damaging the environment, or without depleting a resource; renewableindefinite period damaging environmentdepleting resourcerenewable – 10 points
The transformation of the biosphere from its ‘natural state’ by human actions – 20 points
The decelerated use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to protect the ozone layer was discussed at this international gathering in 1987 – 30 points
The part of the earth that consists of all living organisms and their collective environments – 40 points
Daily Double
The golden ________ of consumption – 10 points
This law of thermodynamics is fundamental to the linearity of the life- cycle of a good or product – 20 points
The opposite of man- made capital– 30 points
The 5 stages of natural goods (the life cycle) in order – 40 points
This concept states that marketers and industry leaders purposefully try to make it difficult for consumers to re-use products for extended amount of time or to not be materialistic in nature – 50 points
This exists when a person makes a choice that affects other people that are not accounted for in the market price. For instance, a firm emitting pollution will typically not take into account the costs that its pollution imposes on others. – 10 points
An example of a paradigm shift – 20 points
“Better safe than sorry”.– 30 points
Greenpeace was founded in this city – 40 points
This, together with the physical limits of the environment, determines the population size that can be supported by a given environment, – 50 points