Plant Science Focus: Angiosperms In what ways are plants more complex than animals?
Meristems: Stem cells of plants that allows the plant to grow indefinitely. They absorb nutrients and water and increase in size and mass. Apical meristem (image shown here): meristems found in the roots and Stems of plants.
Root apical Meristem: responsible for growth of root. Shoot Apical Meristem: is at the tip of the stem. Responsible for growth of the stem, and production of leaves
Oldest tree found in Sweden With turgid cells which are almost rigid because of their high pressure With cells that have thickened cellulose cell walls With xylem tissue, which has cell walls with lignin making it woody and hard. How do they sit still?
How do dicots sit still? This outer circle of meristem is the lateral meristem.
How do dicots sit still? The lateral meristem: Grows between xylems and phloems Produces xylems and phloems as it grows. Xylem growths at the inner circle (see photo). Dicots that are tall have long xylems – why?
Homework Due Tomorrow Use your text to define the following words using D.E.E. 1.Apical meristems 2.Cotyledons 3.Bulbs 4.Guard cells 5.Palisade mesophyll 6.Spongy mesophyll 7.Tendrils 8.Waxy cuticle 9.Xylem 10.Phloem