The Blind Hunter By: Mrs. Breeding
Genre Realistic Fiction -Made-up story that could have happened in real life.
Strategy Generate Questions -As you read you should ask yourselves questions to help you understand the story.
Skill Draw Conclusions -Use clues from the text to draw conclusions about the plot and the characters.
Grammar Subject Pronoun -use a subject pronoun as the subject of a sentence. I, you, he, she, it we and they are subject pronouns. Object Pronoun -Use and object pronoun after and action verb or after a word such as for, at, of, with, or to. Reflexive Pronoun -Use a reflexive pronoun instead of an object pronoun if the subject of the sentence is doing the action to himself or herself. Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves are reflexive pronouns.
Vocabulary Words
Fade (adj) to lose strength or brightness
Cautiously (adj.) carefully or safely
Crisscrossed (adj.) marked with lines that cross one another
Disguised (adj.) changed appearance to look like something else
Wisdom (adj.) good judgment in knowing what is right
Jealousy (adj.) a feeling of wanting what someone else has
Faint (verb) not clear or strong; weak
Story Words bountiful: plentiful groves: groups of trees growing near one another warthogs: wild African pigs landscape: the land you can see from one spot baobab: an African tree with a wide trunk that stores water