INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Institute for intellectual property (IMPI) in coordination with Customs are protecting the use of registered trademarks. (SE) The Customs Law determines that Customs should have a data base of all registered trademarks and validate them and detect irregularities. Rule determines how the owners of the licenses should register them.
DUAL USE AGREEMENT(WASSENAAR) The Economy Department on Jan 21st 2012 makes the following recommendations on exports. 1.Before making an export the exporter must verify if the classification is listed in the agreement. If it is, a comparison of the technical description must be done. 2.If the descriptions match it requires an export permit. 3.To apply for this permit the exporter must present the “Declaration of use and final user” for validation. 4.It is very recommendable to ask the SE if you have questions. Present a complete list and receive confirmation.
8TH MODIFICATION TO CUSTOMS RULES. Published on March 1st (VU) Addition to rule to clarify that Customs must print the transaction in the simplified pedimento presented at the time of import or export. Modification to rule (COVE) to mention that the importer/exporter “could” transmit the value information, before it said “must”. Addition to clarify that the documents that manifest the value must be in Spanish, English or French.
8TH MODIFICATION TO CUSTOMS RULES. Rule is eliminated. It mentioned that Customs had 4 months to present the result of a sample validation process. On January 27 Art. 152 of the Customs Law was modified to mention that they had 6 months to present this results. VUCEM (COVE and Digitalization). The obligatory implementation date changed to June 1st Annex 1. Modified the “Simplified Pedimento”. This should be presented to Customs with all e-documents. It added the e- document field. Annex 1. Modified the “Simplified Consolidated Pedimento”. It added vehicle information, seals, and observation fields.
INFORMATION ON INVOICE (CAAT) On March 15th 2012 we received recommendations from Customs related to the use of this transportation alphanumeric codes. The transportation companies must provide this code to the IMMEX that contract them. The IMMEX must provide it to the Mx Broker. The Mx Broker must include this in all the Pedimentos. We recommend that you obtain this from your transportation provider and send it to your Mx Broker.
HEALTH REGULATIONS (SSA) On March 23rd 2012 was published a modification to the Agreement. This modification included a list of low risk products that require sanitary permit from SSA. And also products that should not be controlled with a permit. An example is photo films for dental X-rays. Also products that are not used for medical use but for cosmetic use.
TRADE AGREEMENT MEXICO-JAPAN The changes are in effect since April 1st The main modification is the addition of the “Declaration of Origin” by an authorized exporter as proof of origin. (This is included in other agreements.) Modification to establish that the exporter (not the producer) must fill the Certificate of Origin. In Mexico the SE authorizes the exporters.
SAGARPA REGULATIONS On April 7 a change in the fitosanitary procedure took effect thru an agreement. It modifies the process of obtaining the document with the fitosanitary requirements (Hoja de requisitos) in the SAGARPA office. Now it can be obtained electronically. Modulo de requisitos fitosanitarios de importacion.
Ricardo Rebeil Brokerage & Logistic Solutions, Inc. O (619) C (858)