Team Exercise
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise2 SURVIVAL!
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise3 Survival Goals Demonstrate Teams are able to produce decisions superior to individual decisions “Two heads are better than one.” Teach interpersonal & rational skills involved in synergistic decision making Facilitate examination of group behavior Provide constructive feedback on team performance Start process of team formation & jelling
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise4 Individual Ranking Exercise Review challenge, survival strategy, overall strategy & salvaged items Pick appropriate survival strategies (please do not discuss with others) Rank salvaged items –Individual rank column, 1 = most important, 15 least important Base your ranking on the situation presented Use scratch paper for notes (do not use booklet) Press hard when entering answers If you need to change an answer, cross out, do not erase 20 minutes to complete If you finish early, take a short break
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise5 Team Ranking Exercise Do not role play Team must reach consensus Do not change individual ranks 60 minutes to complete, followed by 20 minute break
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise6 Experts Ranking & Rationale
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise7 Scoring Grid Team SteveGregRon Average Individual Score (Add scores from A4 & B4) Divide by # on team Team Score (Add scores from A5 & B5) Gain (Loss) Score (Avg indiv – Team) 2214 Percent Change (Gain_Loss / Avg Indiv) Best Individual Score # of Members better than team score 011
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise8 Discussion Outline Process –Issues & Questions Considered –Extent of and order of consideration Steps taken to prioritize and rank Discussion dynamics
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise9 Synergistic Decision Making “Effective” Decisions Quality of Decision x Degree of Decision Acceptance Synergistic Decision Making Premise: when people are supportive of one another & follow a rational sequence of activities in dealing with a problem, they can perform beyond the sum of their individual resources (2+2 = 5) Interpersonal Process Listening Supporting Differing – constructive, not defensive, conflict Participating equally
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise10 Listening Characteristics of lack of listening Interrupting each other Jumping from subject to subject Carrying on more than one conversation at a time Preparing a response while someone else speaking Active Listening Anticipate where the conversation is going Objectively weigh what has been said Try to understand contributions from speaker’s point of view Periodically review & summarize what has been said
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise11 Supporting Tendency to focus on what’s wrong rather than what’s right Result: Good ideas go unrecognized Frustration Defensiveness How to be supportive: Assume that others have useful ideas & viewpoints Point out useful aspects of ideas Build on these aspects Avoid unnecessary criticism
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise12 Differing Some people tend to avoid differing for fear of conflict Some people live for conflict (possibly unconsciously) Constructive differing: State differences as their own concerns (do not judge) Clearly specify differences Focus on reasons for the differences Treat differences as a source of ideas
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise13 Participating Beware group discussions dominated by the few All members need to be comfortable enough to express ideas Equal participation requires: Recognize group is facing the problem Determine whether everyone agrees with statements regarding group’s position Ask less talkative members for their ideas & opinions
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise14 Rational Process Analyzing the situation Sort out facts from assumptions Avoid leaping to conclusions & making hasty decisions (slow down) Setting objectives Identify objectives (e.g. survival) and distinguish them from activities Discuss constraints & forces working against achievement View actions as possible strategies Considering alternative strategies Advocacy method is typical Alternately, brainstorming (generate ideas, no judgment) After generating & understanding all alternatives, then discuss & evaluate Discussing adverse consequences Identify possible adverse consequences Estimate likelihood of consequences Estimate severity Compare consequences of alternative strategies
5/29/2007SE Survival Exercise15 Reaching Consensus Effective Decision = Quality x Acceptance Lack of agreement on / acceptance of a decision places its execution in jeopardy. Recognize there is typically no single “right” answer Consensus more likely when members understand that their way is not the only way to see the problem. Consensus most likely when: Voting & majority rule are not used to defeat dissenting members Priority is placed on sequences activities in a way that all members can live with Alternatives & rankings are modified to satisfy members with serious reservations Members build on what they agree on (rather than focusing on what they disagree on)