General Project Information I n S e r v N e t In terregional Innovative Serv ice Sector Net work of Excellence
General Project Information Start: November 2003 End: October 2006 Project Duration: 36 months GENERAL INFORMATION
General Project Information Countries: Austria Germany Italy Slovenia Croatia Hungary GENERAL INFORMATION
General Project Information PROJECT BUDGET EURO ERDF funding€ 810, Public co-financing (EU partners)€ 572, Private co-financing (EU partners)€ 37, EU funding for Non EU partners (PHARE, CARDS, etc) Public co-financing (Non EU partners)€ 40, Private co-financing (Non EU partners)€ 114, TOTAL€ 1,574,000.00
General Project Information Relationships between companies, administrations, innovation and development organisations and research institutions in the participating regions Co-operations between all these actors Special focus is put on small and medium sized enterprises in the innovative services sector TARGET: To support the establishment of transnational, organisational and technical linkages between industries, SME´s, stakeholders, regional/national administrative bodies etc. PROJECT AIMS
General Project Information Long – term: To overcome the current existing regional imbalances between member and non- member states of the EU. To overcome the imbalances between rural and urban areas by fostering and supporting the co-operation potential between all the actors. To support regional economies with methods for interregional sector and trans- sector co-operation between economic, scientific, administrative and technologic resources to strengthen the promotion of innovation, education, research etc. To provide a standardised innovative co-operation tool which shall be used by ohter regions to enhance the co-operation potential of SME´s. OBJECTIVES
General Project Information Datebase of services sector SME and their network activities Survey on interregional co-operation potential of services sector SME Increased co-operation between the regions in general and increased number of co-operations of especially SME´s Common project web platform which provides information on the project and a co-operation platform for innovative services sector enterprises......and many more RESULTS (SOME EXAMPLES)
General Project Information Increased regional /interregional sector co.operation between services sector SME, R&D institutions etc. New established methods and tools to support strategic planning and the implementation of professional process and co-operation management models and instruments. Increased co-operation between authorities, stakeholders and SME´s. Follow up actions throughout future economic activities, joint projects etc and so on IMPACTS (SOME EXAMPLES)
General Project Information PROJECT PARTNERS A u s t r i a Telepark Bärnbach Errichtungs- und Betriebs Ltd. = LEAD PARTNER City of Graz, Department for the Development of Economy and Tourism Mind Consult and Research Ltd. Germany City of Gera iD Ltd. (Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen mbH) Italy Veneto Union Chambers of Commerce, Department for European Policies EIC Slovenia Small Business Development Centre, Euro Info Centre Ljubljana Pro-Eco d.o.o. Croatia Technology Park Zagreb d.o.o. Integra Futura d.o.o. Hungary Kapos Komplex Kht.
General Project Information WORKPACKAGES WP 1 Project Management WP 2 Data collection, needs analyses and development of cooperation models WP 3 Realisation of pilot applications WP 4 Development of general guidelines WP 5 Information & Dissemination