Colonial Empires of Latin America
Colonial Empires in Latin America In the sixteenth century, Portugal dominated Brazil. Spain established an enormous colonial empire that included parts of North America, Central America, and most of South America.
Colonial Empires in Latin America The lands of Central and South America is known as Latin America
Colonial Empires in Latin America The Society of Latin America was a combo of Europeans, Africans, Native Americans, mestizos (offspring of Native Americans and Europeans), and mulattoes (offspring of Africans and Europeans)
Colonial Empires in Latin America The Spanish and Portuguese both profited from their colonies in Latin America – Lots of gold – Also lots of tobacco, sugar, diamonds, and animal hides
Colonial Empires in Latin America The monarchs tried to oversee the colonies, but the distance made it difficult – So colonial officials had great deal of freedom to carry out imperial policies
Colonial Empires in Latin America Spanish And Portuguese rulers were determined to Christianize the native people of Latin America
Colonial Empires in Latin America Missionaries brought many natives together into villages, or missions, where they were converted – Missions made it possible for them to control the lives of the Native Americans.