Four Tissue Types Epithelial- cover exposed surfaces, and line internal passageways Connective Tissue- Provide structural support, transport materials, store energy
Tissue Types (cont.) Muscle Tissue- perform specific movements Neural Tissue- carries info. from one part of the body to another using electrical impulses
Epithelial Tissue Epithelia- are layers of cells that cover internal and external structures Ex. Skin, and lines digestive tract Glands- secretory structures Produce secretions, ex. Sweat glands
Characteristics of Epithelial Cellularity- cells closely bound together Polarity- uneven distribution of membrane and organelle distribution In the skin organelles are closer to inside of body than outside
Characteristics of Epithelial Attachment- epithelial cell is bound by a basement membrane Avascularity- do not contain blood vessels Regeneration- continuously replaced
Functions of Epithelial Tissue Physical Protection Control Permeability Provide Sensation- contain lots of sensory nerves Produce specialized secretions- referred to as gland cells
Specializations of Epithelial Cells Ciliated Epithelium- line respiratory tract and move mucus out of lungs
Types of Epithelia Appear thin, flat and irregular Simple Squamous- one layer of cells, very thin and fragile, line internal passageways, and found where secretions and absorptions occur Ex. Lungs for gas exchange
Stratified Squamous Epithelium Several layers of cells like a stack of plywood sheets Found in areas of mechanical stress and chemical stress Ex. Surface of skin, mouth, and esophagus
Simple Cuboidal Appear Square w/ nuclei in the center of the cell Provides limited protection and occurs where secretion and absorption take place Ex. Pancreas, salivary glands this tissue secretes enzymes and buffers, and the kidney
Simple Columnar Appear Rectangular, and nuclei are crowded toward the bottom of the cell Found where absorption and secretions take place to help protect against chemical stresses Ex. Stomach and small intestine
Glandular Epithelium Endocrine- released into interstitial fluid and blood Secretions called hormones Exocrine- discharged onto skin or other epithelial surface Enzymes into digestive tract, perspiration onto skin, tears, saliva etc. Use ducts (passageways)