Sound 1-4 Parts of the ear Outer ear- funnels sound waves Middle ear- transmits the waves inward Inner ear- converts the waves for your brain Outer Ear ear canal- narrow region 2-3 centimeters long located before the eardrum Eardrum- small tightly stretched drum like membrane
Sound 1-4 Middle Ear Contains the three smallest bones in the human body- hammer, anvil, and stirrup Eardrum hits the hammer which hits the anvil which shakes the stirrup Inner Ear Contains the cochlea, cochlea is a liquid filled membrane with more than 10,000 tiny hairs. Stirrup vibrates>>vibrates liquid>> hairs sway>>nerves attached to the hairs interpret the movements and send the info. to the brain Cochlea – snail shaped cavity located in the inner ear filled with liquid and > 10,000
Sound 1-4 Hearing loss -injury, infection, or aging Injury- eardrums damaged, loud noises destroy hairs, anvil separated Infection- viruses or bacteria may damage inner ear Aging- as you age the hairs don’t respond as well or are not present