Chapter 11 & 12 Review
What is a lobbyist?
A person paid to represent the particular interests of a group
These people use money donated by their members to fund their favorite candidates
Political Action Committees
What do public interest groups do?
They promote the interest of the general public…PTA is an example
What is the sum total of what everyone thinks about a specific issue?
Public Opinion
What is propaganda?
Ideas that are spread with the specific purpose to influence people
A program lists only the casualties of the War in Iraq, and never mentions any of the accomplishments of the American soldier. This is called…
Card Stacking (propaganda)
The federal government gets most of their money from…
individual income tax
Why do governments tax us?
To raise money
What is “revealed propaganda”?
Making people aware that you are clearly trying to influence them
What do interest groups do?
They try to influence public policy, they sometimes support a specific candidate, but they are not a political party because they usually only support one or two specific interests
If you wanted to fool someone via propaganda, you would use what kind?
“Concealed Propaganda”
When you break the law, this is the type of tax you have to pay
a fine
The total of the interest we owe on the money we borrowed to pay for things that the taxes collected don’t cover, is called the
National Debt
When they take a general sample of what people think of an issue
A Public Opinion Poll
This is a collection of all the forms of communication that are used to try to influence us.
The Mass Media
What is a tariff?
A tax on goods that are shipping into this country
Oh, NO! We’ve run out of money! What is this called?
A deficit
The money that is raised through tariffs, taxes, fines, user fees, etc is called
Do you remember the address for your US Senator was? You might want to commit that information to memory.
This is another name for an interest group
a Lobby ie. The tobacco lobby, the hi-tech lobby, the environmental lobby
The End