Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 11 National Student Clearinghouse Students on the SAIR Conference – Charleston, SC October 2005 John P. Ward, Vice President National Student Clearinghouse Move
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 22 Did my lost admissions enroll somewhere else? Did our students transfer-out or dropout? Where did our transfer-out students attend & what degrees have they earned? Did our graduates continue on to a 4-year college or to graduate school? Who from our student body is enrolled concurrently? Perplexing Questions
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 33 StudentTracker Provides researchers with data about students’ college enrollment from a database containing records on more than 65 million students
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 44 About The Clearinghouse Founded in 1993 as a non-profit organization Mission = Simplify the verification of college records Governance - 16 member Board of Directors representing Clearinghouse stakeholders: colleges and student loan organizations
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 55 Clearinghouse Data Required Enrollment Degrees Certificates Transcripts State Loan Guaranty Agencies U.S. Department of Education Lenders Verification Requestors Professional 2 Year Graduate 4 Year Technical Educational Institutions Educational Verification Background Screening Firms Employers Students Themselves Credit Card Issuers Housing Providers Software Suppliers Health Insurers Educational Institutions Outreach Programs (e.g. TRIO)
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 66 How the Clearinghouse Works Schools transmit files to Clearinghouse - All enrolled students – every days - Degrees awarded Requestors make inquiries - Transmit batch files - Make Web services inquiries - Online inquiry at website
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 77 Who Pays? Verification requestors pay a modest fee to receive verifications Collegiate institutions pay no fees for providing enrollment/degree data and for verifications performed on their behalf
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 88 Documented Benefits Reduced workload and operating costs Increased productivity Enhanced service to students & alumni Assured compliance with regulations Lower loan defaults & decreased fraud Better research data
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 99 Clearinghouse Growth
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 10 Enrollment Database Active records represent over 91% of All Higher Education Enrollments 65+ Million Individual Student Records 50+ Million Historical 15 Million Active =+
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 11 # Schools More than 1,000 schools participate in DegreeVerify, representing 55% of all US college degrees As of July 31, 2005 DegreeVerify Participation
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 12 For Students Requested Institutions of enrollment (name, code, state, type) Dates of enrollment (academic term start and end dates) Enrollment statuses (full/half time, withdrawn, graduated) Graduation status and date Degree title & major course of study StudentTracker Data Available to Researchers For DegreeVerify Schools Only
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 13 Types of Searches Your former students Where did they subsequently enroll? Your current students Where are they concurrently enrolled? Your prospective students Where were they enrolled before? Where did they enroll elsewhere?
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 14 Recruitment Strategy – Where do your top prospects enroll? Retention Studies – Identify transfer-outs from drop-outs. Where do your transfer-outs enroll? Performance Management – Where do your graduates enroll? Program Assessment – How are you doing? Institutional Research Uses
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 15 Measured transfer-out rate for 1996 cohort of first time freshmen,comparing results using Maryland state data sharing arrangement and the Clearinghouse (NSC). Prince George’s Community College
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 16 Broome & Cayuga Community Colleges (SUNY) Use of NSC’s StudentTracker more than doubles the number of transfer students accounted for % increase 217.6% increase
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 17 Western Michigan University 1995 First-Time, Full-Time, Degree-Seeking Cohort (FTIAC) Six Year Status Graduated 53% Still Enrolled 3% Unknown 24% Did Graduate 5% Did Not Graduate 15% Transferred 20%
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 18 The cohorts of applicants who applied to, but did not attend BYU showed that 73% enrolled elsewhere N = 13,446 Brigham Young University
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 19 University of Washington Fall ,523 offered admission 5,382 enrolled 6,141 went to other institutions Where did they go instead? Minority Applicants Morehouse Harvard Occidental Seattle University Howard University Computer Science Majors Western Washington State University Washington State University University of California – San Diego Seattle University University of Colorado Carnegie Mellon USC Bellvue Community College NSC data showed that no one college was their competitor. Tracking applicants who don’t enroll
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 20 There were 960 students concurrently enrolled at BYU and another institution during fall or winter semesters of different schools were represented Concurrent Enrollment
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 21 Using StudentTracker You send us the student cohort group in which you are interested Flat file Excel Spreadsheet, or Perform individual look-ups on the web We match against our database and return the results to you.
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 22 Name of student SSN/Student ID ( if FERPA-compliant ) Birth date Date of last attendance/search begin date Request File You Provide...
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 23 Control Report Record totals (.html) Summary Report Totals students enrolled by institution (.csv) Unit Record File Individual student records (.csv) (except FERPA blocked records) Response Files
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 24 Pinnacle University File Creation Date10/23/2005 Range of Search Dates 08/30/2000– 08/30/2000 Total Students in Your Request File 650 Total Students with No Data Available 410 Total Students Found and Included in Aggregate Report 240 Less: Student Level Reporting Blocked By School 13 Less: Student Level Reporting Blocked By Students 13 Total Students Reported At Detail Level 214 Sample Control Report
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 25 Institution names and codes School Types (2/4 Year, Public/Private) States of Institution Students transferred (% and #) Records blocked (by school, by students) Number of students on detail report Number awarded degrees Aggregate Report (Analysis of Initial Transfers)
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 27 Student identifiers (i.e., name, SSN/ID you provided) Requestor return field Record found field (Y/N) Your search begin date New institution name, OPE code, state, type (4Yr/2Yr) Dates of enrollment (term start and end) Enrollment status (full time, half time, etc.) Graduation status and date Degree title & major course of study Unit Record File (Subsequent Enrollment) For DegreeVerify Schools Only
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 29 Annual subscription fee which covers unlimited use during the year Annual fee equals $0.12 (12 cents) times the school’s opening fall headcount enrollment as reported to IPEDS (taken from IPEDS COOL website). Computer programming effort What Are The Costs?
Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 30 That’s us in a nutshell! Questions?