AGENDA Introduction/Ice breaker Announcements DLA Item Review HB5 Update Book Study Evaluations & Closure
Welcome & Introductions Dr. Monica Kendall, Manager Katrina Cushenberry, Curriculum Specialist Beverly Smith, Curriculum Specialist Shirley Ward, Curriculum Specialist Princess Granger, Special Ed Program Specialist Christopher Bowser, AP Curriculum Specialist
Video Every Kid Needs a ChampionEvery Kid Needs a Champion, Rita Pierson Analyze Role and Connect
Announcements PowerUp Deployment for 11 schools; 13 high schools to be added HISD will continue to endorse a 4x4 plan for graduation (HB5 section) Calculus PLC AP5021 – Thursday, January 23, 2014, Austin High School, see Edmodo for task
DLA Item Review Fill out and sign the confidentiality form in your folder Facilitators provide to reviewers ONE page of DLA grade level needed Reviewers work and comment directly on the page analyzing the following: Answer and distracters Stem Graphics
HB 5 Update FAQ Foundations Program is the umbrella for the foundation diploma, the endorsements, the distinguished achievement, and the performance acknowledgements. Algebra I and Geometry credits earned in middle school will count towards the three-year high school requirement AQR is acceptable as a fourth-year mathematics credit.
HB 5 Update “College Readiness” mathematics course HB5 Section 8 requires high school to provide mathematics course for select students who have been identified as not college ready Identifiers may be unsuccessful scores on EOC and/or PSAT School districts will work with local community colleges to create a course syllabus (HCC course MATH 0308 and MATH 0312)
HB 5 Update “College Readiness” mathematics course Students must take a final exam and earn a 75 or higher in the course to be accepted by HCC as prerequisite for College Algebra Students may register into College Algebra and not complete continuing education courses New mathematics course will begin next fall
HB 5 Update Implications “College Readiness” mathematics course Course must be developed, teacher writers needed in future project Qualifications for 4-year college and NCAA Clearinghouse Student must earn distinguished level achievement for top 10% graduation automatic admission to state universities
Book Study: Faster not Smarter Each group will receive a section to read Jigsaw the reading among the members of your group Each group will be given a scenario Develop a response to the scenario either as a skit, a presentation, or a personal antidote of a solution. Each will present within a 3 minute limit.
Door Prizes and Evaluation Prizes Prizes, Prizes!! Parking lot Evaluation