ROMANIAN EXPERIENCE REGARDING NUTRIENTS MANAGEMENT IN DANUBE AND BLACK SEA BASIN Prof.Dr. Mihail DUMITRU National Research Institute for Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Environment Protection Bucharest, Romania
Romania – Area, Population and GDP in 2000 compared with CC-12 and EU
The Role of the Agricultural Sector in Romania
Structure of farms depicted in terms of number of farms and of area cultivated by farm size
Crop Area in Romania
Since the total cereals area has been relatively stable over the last ecade, output has varied more according to the yield level, which has fluctuated quite markedly. Average cereal yields increased up to 3.5 t/ha in 1997, but then fell to only 1.86 t/ha in In line with these yield variations, cereal production in Romania has been as high as 22 million t in 1997, and as low as 10 million t in 2000, a quite dramatic variation in output.
Cereal Yields in Romania relative to the EU-15
Average yeeld per hectare with main crops
Self-sufficiency in Crop Production (%)
Self-sufficiency in Animal Production in %
Average Price Gaps between Romania and the EU-15 for Livestock Products
Development of Agricultural Production (1995=100 %) and Share of Crop and Livestock Production ( )
In 2002 under current policy conditions an average 20 hectare farm provides income at the level of an annual gross average wage in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and also more or less so in Slovakia. Low income in the rest of the economy in Bulgaria and Romania means that a 20 hectare farm would produce 2 to 3 times more income than an average employment outside agriculture, despite comparably low income levels per hectare of land.
Relative income* of a 20 ha farm in 2002 and 2007 (Gross Value Added / Gross average annual wage)
Average consumptions (exports) of soil nutrients to produce yields (kg of nutritive elements/ton of main yield and the quantity corresponding to the secondary yield)
- Daily and annual production of nutritive elements in dejecta of animal raised in an intensive system
Land area (ha) needed for an animal raised in an intensive system or proprietor's system
Potential vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution
List of sites having a nitrate import – export value over the threshold
Potential vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution + Sources exceeding threshold