To Next Slide Twenty-One Question Review Tennessee & National Government 3 rd Grade
To Next Slide A ******* is an official member of a community, state, or nation. citizen
To Next Slide A ****** is a person who works freely, without pay. volunteer
To Next Slide What is a right? A freedom
To Next Slide What is the basic laws and ideas that a government and its people follow? Constitution
To Next Slide Freedom of religion, freedom to own property, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are all examples of what? Our Rights
To Next Slide Rights come with *******, they are things you should do. responsibilities
To Next Slide Adults have a responsibility to do this. It means to make an official choice. Vote
To Next Slide What is money citizens and others pay to the government called? Tax
To Next Slide How many branches of government do we have? 3
To Next Slide What are the branches of government? legislative, executive, and judicial
To Next Slide The supreme court is part of this branch. judicial
To Next Slide Who is the leader of the executive branch? The President
To Next Slide The legislative branch or the legislature is the Congress of the United States. What two parts make up Congress? House of Representatives and the Senate
To Next Slide What people work in the 3 branches of Tennessee’s state government lawmakers, governor, and judges
To Next Slide What is a government’s plan for solving problems or providing services to people? Public Policy
To Next Slide National Parks, Schools, and Post Offices are examples of what kind of services? Services provided by the government
To Next Slide A girl picks up litter in a park, a group works to change an unfair law, a man obeys the speed limit are all examples of people being what? good citizens
To Next Slide The building where elected leaders meet to make laws is called what? The Capitol
To Next Slide What are three levels of government? local, state, and national
To Next Slide What is your state capital? Nashville
To Next Slide That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!