GSTC Destinations Presentation Template INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Make a copy of this template for reference later (because you will need to delete many items while creating your own presentation, including this slide) 2.Words to keep and use are in normal font; words to delete are in italics 3.Most of your content must relate directly to sustainability; the main exception is the slide on current strengths where you may list general characteristics of the destination 4.Content should inspire discussion from your colleagues about sustainability; leveraging strengths and improving weaknesses and challenges – save time for meaningful discussion after your presentation
Enter Your Destination Name Here Provide destination name Presenter’s name and title Photos
Destination Overview Key Points about your destination; location, type of destination, etc. Photos
Destination Overview - continued Key Points about your destination; location, type of destination, etc. Photos
Destination Stewardship Council Do you have a Destination Stewardship Council? This is a group of leading destination management decision-makers who maintain a focus on sustainability issues If yes, describe the composition, authority to make change, budget access, etc. If no, describe plans to create one, or how you manage without one
Current Strengths Key Points about current destination strengths Can be about marketing, management, destination characteristics, but mostly about sustainability issues
Recent Developments Describe key activities recently completed or in progress that enhance the destination’s sustainability
Lessons Learned Describe what worked well, plus some of the challenges, from past activities with a focus on recent activities
Lessons Learned - continued Describe what worked well, plus some of the challenges, from past activities with a focus on recent activities
Needs Improvement Tell us what elements you wish to improve the most
Plans for Improvement Tell us what you have planned for the next 1-3 years to enhance your destination’s sustainability
Challenges to Overcome Tell us what you expect to be the greatest difficulties in improving your destination’s sustainability in the next 1-3 years
Thank You for Your Interest & Attention Now we turn to a discussion with network colleagues 1.Suggestions from colleagues regarding your challenges 1.Insights from you, for them, regarding your successes Delete this text and replace it with your destination name and contact information