Essential Question??? Why and when should we wash our hands?
Pathogens bacteria fungus virus protozoa rickettsia
Breaking the Chains!! (of Infection, that is) Chain of Infection can be broken!! The way to break these chains are by using… MEDICAL ASEPSIS
What is Medical Asepsis??? Absence of disease producing microorganisms, or pathogens
Handwashing is the Key to Breaking the Chains!!! Most important method in aseptic technique When should it be done?? When arriving and leaving facility Before and after patient contact After every procedure Before and after gloves
Handwashing con’t. After contact w/ soiled items, picking stuff up off floor, use of bathroom, coughing, sneezing or use of tissue Before and after any contact w/ mouth or mucous membranes-eating, drinking, smoking, lipstick or chapstick, or inserting/removing contact lenses.
How do you aseptically wash your hands??? Gather all equipment (sink, soap, trash, cuticle stick, paper towels) Stand back from sink (won’t contaminate uniform) and don’t touch sink w/ hands Turn faucet on w/ paper towel Wet hands with fingertips down-prevents water from running down forearms and then running back down and contaminating hands Use soap and lather hands-rub palms and lace fingers and create friction for seconds Wash backs of hands with palms for 5 seconds Clean nails with cuticle stick or rub nails into palms Rinse hands with fingers down to prevent contamination Dry hands thoroughly from fingers to wrist and throw towel away Use another towel to turn off faucet and discard all towels in waste container.
Activity Glo germ activity Practice handwashing skills.
Essential Question??? What are 2 or 3 other ways to protect yourself from body fluids other than gloves and why would you need to protect anything other than you hands, anyway???
Essential Question??? What are 2 or 3 other ways to protect yourself from body fluids other than gloves and why would you need to protect anything other than you hands, anyway???
Personal Protective Equipment and Standard Precautions What is Standard Precautions?? Another way to Break the chain of Infection. CDC-Centers for Disease Control developed rules of Standard Precautions: Protect against Bloodborne Pathogens – You don’t know who has what, so assume everyone is infected with something and take proper precautions.
What is PPE? Personal Protective Equipment: Handwashing, Gloves, Gowns, Masks and protective eye or face shields Handwashing – before and after everything Gloves-always worn during ANY procedure Gown, Masks/eyewear – worn during any procedure where splashing or spraying of body fluids may occur
Sharps Boxes-Your Friends!! Sharps Box – Specially designed hard plastic RED container with on front!! Always use these when dealing with opened needles, surgical blades, or razors. They are disposed of by biohazard waste companies specifically designed to destroy this type of waste.
Bio-Hazard Bags Big Red bags that also have the biohazard sign. Anything in a biohazard bag must be disposed of properly. Put used urinals, catheter bags, soiled dressings or PPE equipment, bedpans, vaginal pads, vomit basins in these bags.
Cleaning up a spill Must be wiped immediately Use gloves and other PPE as needed Use 10% bleach and water solution to clean For large spills, you can use a special powder to absorb, then it can be swept up and put in biohazard bag.
Activity Practice Putting on PPE equipment PPE Relay: In your rows, each person must race to the front of the room, put on the PPE correctly, take it off correctly, then tag the next person in line to go put on the PPE. The first row to have all students put on the PPE correctly and take it off correctly wins one current event article pass!!