MUSICTHEORY.NET Sarah Blazs Introduction to Music Technology 17 April, 2008
Overview of the Software MUSICTHEORY.NET is a website that helps students learn theory and aural skills through tutorials and interactive assignments. This program was created by Ricci Adams after his senior year of high school in The first lessons covered staff, clefs, and ledger lines, but since then has expanded to cover practically all of basic theory.
Practical Application This program is very accessible and could be used by students: Extra practice Self-teaching This program could be used by teachers: Classroom Homework Lessons
Deficiencies in the Program Nothing replaces pen and paper. Tutorials are not individually tailored. More of an overview. Does not cover the advanced levels.
Lessons Lessons are a step by step explanation of certain concepts. Rhythm Scales Intervals Chords Cadences Analysis
Trainers Trainers allow students practice in areas of sight reading and aural skills. Note, Key, Triad, Interval Trainer. Keyboard, Guitar, Brass Trainer. Interval, Scale, Chord Trainer.
Utilities This provides a chord calculator, staff paper, and a matrix generator. Try either the chord calculator or the matrix generator.