Automated Composting Appliance P16421 Sponsored by Rochester Roots
Agenda Background Problem Statement Use Cases Customer Requirements Benchmarking Engineering Requirements Risk Management Schedule
Background and Summary Rochester Roots has commissioned our team to develop an appliance that allows for efficient and convenient composting in the day to day household. This project is the brainchild of a middle school student named JJ who envisions this to be used as an educational tool in classrooms as well. The sustainability of this project should help to eliminate day to day waste as well as reduce the use of artificial chemicals in gardening applications.
Problem Statement Composting is a method of recycling biodegradable waster in order to take advantage of the leftover nutrients as well as decreasing significant amounts of trash. Most composting today is done in trash cans and gardens where waste naturally decomposes over a long period of time. This project aims to assess the mechanisms behind natural decomposition in order to speed up and contain the process in a single unit. The final prototype will be fully operational and meet the standards set by the stakeholders.
Customer Requirements
Engineering Requirements
Risk Management
Project Timeline All design specifications and project research to be completed by 01 OCT 2015 This includes ideal operating conditions and a school visit for student interactions. Final design including CAD files of all parts and components to be completed by 10 NOV 2015 Also final decisions on sensors, controllers and interfaces will be selected. Test components and designs completed with detailed notes and troubleshooting steps to be taken completed by 03 DEC 2015
Project Timeline
Next Steps- 3 Week Plan Map Composting Process by 15 SEP 2015 Decide on measurable parameters and basic steady state by 15 SEP 2015 Map systems and subsystem priorities by 23 SEP 2015 Visit class and obtain actual space requirements by 25 SEP 2015