High Conservation Value Forests in Romania -Development, implementation and next steps– George Dinicu & Radu Vlad - WWF DCPO Romania,June 2008
Development the HCVF toolkit was adapted for Romania first field test in 5 forest areas : Apuseni Mountains ha with ha identified (Belis, Sudrigiu,Remeti) Macin Mountains ha and Naruja Communities ha 2005 in April the first final version of the toolkit was printed and distributed
Implementation the state forest company Romsilva together with Romanian Forest Research Institute has used the toolkit for identification of HCVF forests in ha proposed for certification. Results: ha identified as High Conservation Value Forests Study of WWF DCPO Romania in Maramures area identified 6800 ha of HCVF in ha. 1324 ha of HCVF 3 category excluded from cuttings in management plans
Problems identified Biodiversity inventories for HCVF 1.2 category are too costly and involve important numbers of specialists Thresholds should be more precise and with more measurable parameters Introduction of a new HCVF category 1.5 for genetic conservation The state forest company was not doing the HCVF identification using consultative processes( danger of losing valuable knowledge from local experts or NGO’s)
Problems identified The toolkit lacks specific management measures for each forestry ecosystems in HCVF 3 category HCVF assessments done mostly in FSC certified forests( independent assessments done only by WWF) Confusions due to the NATURA 2000 Directives implementation in Need of a model frame in the toolkit for monitoring of the biodiversity (HCVF 1.2 category)
Next steps HCVF toolkit readapted by the end of 2008 including the new NATURA 2000 legislation and the problems observed during inventories. State forest company and Romanian Forest Research Institute will continue full HCVF inventory in all state forests starting with Similar processes started by Romanian Ornithological Society (BirdLife) – High Nature Value Forests for Birds - national scale inventory lobby for HCVF introduction in forestry management plans outside of certified areas