Rob Anderson Vice Chancellor for Educational Access and Success University System of Georgia SUCCESS AT SCALE Tristan Denley Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Tennessee Board of Regents Saundra King Assistant Vice President of Remediation and Innovation Ivy Tech Community College Sarah Tucker Interim Chancellor West Virginia Community and Technical College System
In the past, for every 100 students attempting Writing remediation… Leave Pipeline : Attempted remedial writing Completed remedial writing Attempted gateway English Completed gateway English 2009 ATD cohort Time lapse: 1 to 3 years In Fall 2014 co-req. model expansion, for every 100 students attempting Writing remediation… Attempted re Attempted remedial & gateway Englis h 100 Completed gateway English 55 Leave Pipeline: 45 Fall 2014: 1,886 students (56%) of remedial writing students were enrolled in co-req. English. Spring 2015: 1,267 (60%) of remedial writing students are enrolled in co-req. English. Fall 2015 Target Enrollment: 75% of writing enrollment. Fall 2016 Target Enrollment: 100% of writing enrollment. Time lapse: 1 semester
In the past, for every 100 students attempting Math remediation… Leave Pipeline: Attempted remedial math Completed remedial math Attempted gateway math Completed gateway math Time lapse: 1 to 3 years 2009 ATD cohort In Fall 2014 co-req. model expansion, for every 100 students attempting Math remediation… Attempted remedial & gateway math 100 Completed gateway math 64 Leave Pipeline: 36 Time lapse: 1 semester Fall 2014: 691 students enrolled in MATH 080/123. Spring 2015: 2,019 students enrolled in MATH 080/123.
Corequisite Remediation: University System of Georgia For the cohort of remedial students entering in Fall 2010, only 21% completed gateway courses within 2 years. Vanguard Institutions “At Scale” for Corequisite Remediation 2014 – 2015 Albany State University Bainbridge State College College of Coastal Georgia Georgia Highlands College Gordon State College
Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Pilots
Completion of Gateway English by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Pilots
Completion of Gateway Math by ACT Sub-score Community College Pre-requisite Model vs. Co-requisite Pilots
One Year later…. 45% 12%
Results- English Traditional Model, Fall Gateway Success after 2 years One Semester Model, Fall 2014 Blue Ridge CTC 27%53% BridgeValley CTC 43%72% Eastern CTC 53%91% Mountwest CTC 34%n/a New River CTC 36%70% Pierpont CTC 35%n/a Southern WV CTC 42%n/a WV Northern CC 40%n/a WVU at Parkersburg 34%66% System-wide 37%68%
Results- Math Traditional Model, Fall Gateway Success after 2 years One Semester Model, Fall Gateway Success first semester Blue Ridge CTC 10%n/a BridgeValley CTC 19%70% Eastern CTC 27%n/a Mountwest CTC 12%74% New River CTC 27%67% Pierpont CTC 12%70% Southern WV CTC 13%37% WV Northern CC 9%n/a WVU at Parkersburg 10%71% System-wide 14%62%