Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) EM410 – Unit 2 Environmental Institutions.


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Presentation transcript:

Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) EM410 – Unit 2 Environmental Institutions

Overview for Tonight Review Outcomes for Unit 2 Evolution of IGOs Ways IGOs can affect environmental policy, decision- making, and politics IGO Case studies Another look at Unit 3 Assignment

Unit 2 Objectives The historical evolution of environmental issues on the agendas of global intergovernmental organizations, or IGOs The roles of five prominent IGOs in addressing global and international environmental issues The relative progress achieved by these institutions to date and their adequacy in solving global environmental problems

What is an IGO? Organization that represents two or more nations and is established to carry out agendas in the common interest of its representatives. Play a role in creation, development, and operations of international regimes What is a regime?

International Regimes “Combination of international institutions, customary norms and principles, and formal treaty commitments that guide how states relate to a specific subject, problem, or region.” Whatever the issue, there is a regime to address that issue. Most IGOs have environmental issues added to agendas as they come up. Very few are exclusive. –WHAT IS THE MOST NOTABLE EXAMPLE?

Major Landmark Meetings 1972 – UN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, Sweden) 1992 – Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro)

Pre-Stockholm Era (before 1968) The UN was established immediately after WWII by environmental awareness was lacking IGOs began popping up –Food and Ag Organization –World Health Organization –International Maritime Organization, etc IGOs during this time had a narrow scope Still waiting for an IGO with a broad environmental scope

Stockholm Era ( ) Growing public concern around: DDT, Torrey Canyon oil spill, post war “ecocide” Environment seen in a holistic way Sweden proposed the UN Conference on the Human Environment The UN General Assembly created the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Stockholm Sparks Several Conferences World Population Conference (1974) World Food Conference (1974) UN Conference on Human Settlements (1976) UN Water Conference (1977) UN Conference on Desertification (1977)

Concern of Developing Countries Industrialized countries concerned about the environment Developing countries felt poverty and economics were more important WHY WERE THEY CONCERNED WITH THE NEW THOUGHT THAT THE EARTH’S RESOURCES ARE FINITE?

Still More to Go! Although this period of time included progress, the environmental efforts were not coordinated well. The environment and economic development were still handled separately even with the push to link the two

The Rio de Janeiro Era (1987-present) Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 Main issues include: O3 depletion, climate change, deforestation, biodiversity, and fishery decline Brundtland Commission report noted that poverty was linked to environmental degradation –Provided the framework for the 1992 Earth Summit

What Happened in Rio? Held on the 20 th anniversary of the Stockholm conference Agenda 21 adopted as a new plan of action Major treaties also entered into (climate change, biodiversity, deforestation) Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created by UN-GA to implement Agenda 21 –Why not the UNEP? –Why has the CSD’s impact been limited?

Post Earth Summit Activities Several other conferences held regarding key issues including 5 year follow up conferences The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg (2002) –Revitalize Agenda 21 recommendations –Environmental issues to a back seat to economic issues Rio+20 Conference scheduled June in Brazil

5 Major IGOs UN General Assembly United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) The World Bank The Global Environment Facility (GEF)

UN General Assembly Key role in framing and implementing strategies Convened numerous world conferences to focus international attention on specific problems –Success measured by the sum of everything related to the conferences Facilitates the creation of treaty law Adoption of resolutions; non-binding “soft law” Delegates tasks to other institutions; primary creator of new IGOs

UN General Assembly Convenes independent panels to tackle and issue Calls upon existing organizations to assume additional responsibilities (e.g. World Meteorological Org (WMO)) Has been the arena of choice for developing countries mainly because the vote value is consistent What about the General Assembly’s overall success?

UNEP Role: catalyze, facilitate, and coordinate programs Developed the Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) International Registry of Toxic Chemicals (IRTC) INFOTERRA Global Resource Information Database (GRID)

UNEP Effective in stimulating development of environmental law and policy by sponsoring or brokering This role was challenged with Rio as sustainable development took center stage. Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) established Would you say that UNEP has been successful?

Commission on Sustainable Development 1992 to monitor and facilitate products of the Earth Summit Does not have power to make binding decisions Does not have finances to fund programs Tasked with promoting dialogue and encouraging partnerships Monitor progress made by industrial and developing countries to implement Agenda 21

Commission on Sustainable Development Stimulated the creation of sustainable development commissions in 100+ countries Although it appears that things keep getting worse, has the CSD been successful?

The World Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) est Provide $ (loans) for the rebuilding of Western Europe after WWII Directed mostly to large infrastructure projects There are several criticisms of The World Bank? Name a few.

The World Bank Failure to anticipate environmental consequences of projects 1987 began the turn around and acknowledgement of this disconnect with more green projects and special environmental divisions at the regional offices Is the World Bank now successful in addressing global environmental issues?

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Set up by The World Bank in 1990 for loans to developing countries to support treaties Create an incentive to implement projects that have a greater global good UNEP provides tech assistance in picking projects and provide oversight Two year trial period allocated $750 million

GEF Growing Pains Industrialized countries are the major contributors Interests reflect accordingly but no support for local issues Call for a restructuring at the Earth Summit which resulted in a balance in which all countries are protected Based on your reading, do you feel the GEF has been successful?

Another look at Unit 3 Assignment Tensions Policy tools available Who is bound by the policies and programs created? What are the benefits and limitations of each? How does global governance and national policy decision making work together?

Final Thoughts on Unit 3 Assignment APA format –Title page, page #s, headers, reference page, double spaced 12pt font In-text citations of references Reference page Introduction and conclusion DUE ON TUESDAY OF UNIT 3

WHEW!!! Finished for tonight! QUESTIONS?