Non-formal and FormaL Partnership in Adult Education Grundtvig reference number: GRU-13-C-LP-241-MH-RO With the support of the Grundtvig Learnership Programme of the European Union
Improvement of emotional atmosphere at Malta Secondary Schools No. 1. and 2. using non-formal learning methods. Summary
4 trainings for 2 target groups: 1 training for each group on non-formal learning activities. 1 training for each group on hand made jewellery and artwork Time/ duration of trainings : Group 1 Group (8h.) (8h.) (5h.) (5h.) Number of participants, involved in all trainings: 44 people 26 people Content:
Aim of the training: Create positive emotional atmosphere in the process of reunition of two Secondary Schools applying non-forml lerning methods Objectives: - involve representatives of both formal and non-formal education into the training - use various non-formal learning methods - organize trainings in-and outdoors - give opportunity to express own ideas about reunition of two schools - introduce to the main techniques of making hand made jewellery and artworks.
Analysis of the training + - Improved emotional atmosphere in both schools There were applied different non-formal learning methods Participants became more confident about own talents During 1st training participants had not enough time for free communication, so the 2nd training became a part of an excursion Some participants were not willing to take part in group activities because of their character features.
Analysis of the training + Aims and objectives of the training were achieved Patricipants got new contacts Publications about training: ikacijas/publikaacijas