Daily Oral Language XV Set 071 Set 072 Set 073 Set 074 Set 075
one Parent asked are Director have you’re chorus ever sang the school anthem for the bayside teachers association last easter we drived too the west too see san diego california which is in the pacific ocean One parent asked our director, “Has your chorus ever sung the school anthem for the Bayside Teachers Association?” Last Easter we drove to the West to see San Diego, California, which is on the Pacific Ocean. 071 Daily Oral Language Home
gov carlin have spoke to the bayside aid group a local service organization several times diego dont has an copy of the st petersburg times however he do has a old copy of the boston globe Gov. Carlin has spoken to the Bayside Aid Group, a local service organization, several times. Diego doesn’t have a copy of the St. Petersburg Times; however, he does have an old copy of The Boston Globe. 072 Daily Oral Language Home
martys dog biscuit have grew to full size but she thinks its still a baby cause my sister are studying four her law school exams she havent did nothing around the house in a long time Marty’s dog Biscuit has grown to full size, but she thinks it’s still a baby. Because my sister is studying for her law school exams, she (hasn’t done anything or has done nothing) around the house in a long time. 073 Daily Oral Language Home
i knowed that ms estavan wud plant these here vegetables tomatoes corn cucumbers & green beans san francisco are famous as an historic City which is notable for everything that happened there in the passed I knew that Ms. Estavan would plant these vegetables: tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, and green beans. San Francisco is famous as a historic city. 074 Daily Oral Language Home
on many mournings me and mom has ran along the path near highway 30 us boys swim good — fastest then other athletes are age On many mornings Mom and I have run along the path near Highway 30. We boys swim well — faster than other athletes our age. 075 Daily Oral Language Home